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Learning to Code: Starting at the Base of Mt. Annapurna

Why didn't I go with the cliché of world's tallest mountain for my title? Because I feel that learning to code is more about the difficulty. I want to climb to the peak and it will be very difficult. As I start climbing I feel at a disadvantage, I know in order to get there I will need to make sure I understand all the tools at my disposal, when, how, and why to use them and how they work however I will be learning this as I go up. I also currently lack a strong foundation of the basics with which to expand into more complicated and advanced techniques but I will be learning them on the way hopefully streamlining my process and becoming efficient. One thing to note is I am by no means a mountain climber, you're more likely to catch me reading comics/manga, playing video games, or cooking up a recipe I found on YouTube or TikTok.




With this first post I wanted to give a little insight to my train of thought and the mindset I will have as I start my climb up the mountain that is coding.

So far I am midway in my second week of learning and I have a loose understanding of JavaScript. During my prework (learning before classes) and my first week I would dread anything to do with js. I felt like I was getting the labs and assignments done with blind luck. I would read the material, somewhat understand the subject, get to the implementation part and be utterly confused. Learning basic data types was fine until I got to Booleans, arrays, and objects. And don't even get me started on functions. When I started to get a handle on it they turned it into a Russian doll with first class functions, closure, and scopes. All of a sudden functions were recalling other functions that had functions nested inside.

Now in my second week I feel like I am getting more into the coding mindset as suddenly I'm beginning to understand the Russian dolls, the different way functions can be expressed and represented, and how with nested functions you can essentially create partial functions that operate similarly like using a nested multiplier function and adding the first value to make a doubler separate tripler function.

So I'm all typed out for now and will be going back into my climb. I will try to keep posting periodically and also make my posts more technical as I become more able to understand what it is I am doing and maybe someone can use this posts as a guide to help them on their own climb up the coding mountain.

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