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Discussion on: What is the missing part of vim ?

jcsvveiga profile image
João Veiga

How do you search in vim? Files and file contents I mean.

ajeebkp23 profile image

To be frank, I don't search in vim (very cruel, lazy man. Not invested time to learn it.).
Instead, I use grep from terminal (I use terminator, so Ctrl+Shift+E or Ctrl+Shift+O). Or open Sublime, VSCode to search alone. I don't think, it's normal. I heard many people talks about ripgrep, ag, etc. Didn't invest much time.

ale_jacques profile image
Alexandre Jacques

If you're inside a file, just /<search query>. You can configure the behaviour of hi-lighting results, case sensitive/insensitive search, etc. via .vimrc.

For searching in files, you can use :grep or :vimgrep.