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Discussion on: I'm having some "not this again" feelings with Parcel, how should I be feeling about this tool?

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Joe Sweeney • Edited

This is a pretty old article now, but after using Parcel for almost two years (since it came out, really) I feel I can add something.

I think it's good to approach any new technology with a goal in mind of how you think that technology will improve your workflow or project. If it's not going to have some tangible improvement (your personal productivity, better performance, better job prospects, etc.) you should not waste your time with it.

However, there are a few pieces of technology that I find so revolutionary that to use them improves my productivity greatly. I find Parcel to be one of those projects. I never really liked Webpack to be honest, I found it too confusing to set up with nightmare webpack configs. Parcel doesn't need any config, it's just smart enough to handle almost any file you have. It can even compile a Rust file and make it available to JavaScript via Webassembly, with no config. It knows how to handle Vue, React, ReasonML, SASS, Less, TypeScript, Elm, PostCSS, etc. etc. without config. Code splitting works great. Also, you don't have to configure how it operates in dev or production, it looks at your node env and will make the right choices for minification, not including the HMR server, etc. It's amazing. It works so well, in fact, that to convince me that there is a better way than how Parcel does things would be extremely difficult.

I've been using it for nearly two years with very little issue, building a front-end app with Mithril. There are snafus here and there but no show-stoppers yet. It actually makes me like front-end more than before because it makes it so easy to experiment with all this new tech and no need to configure or add plugins, for the most part. It actually succeeds in taking away so much friction from getting up-and-running with a new project and scales up beautifully.