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Information Error: Duplication Overload!?

Edit: Discuss your most used resources/authors in the comments below!

TLDR; Thank you to anyone who has ever answered online questions or made online tutorials.

Information. Perhaps one of the most notable characteristics of our time is the sheer amount of information available at our finger tips. Now, of course someone can (and will) play Devil's advocate and exacerbate all of the "disservices" being done with that amount of information.

Well, I'm only here to talk about the good.

Thought Experiment Time: close your eye's and....
Just kidding don't do that. If you've already done it then it's too late, otherwise, keep reading.

Imagine yourself back in your Intro to Computer Science, Intro to Engineering, or whatever Intro course may have been your first; a time where terms such as Object Oriented Programming, Higher Order Functions, Tree Searches may have had little meaning to such an innocent mind. If you are still at this point, bless your soul. If not, perhaps these memories have been repressed due the severe, irreversible, damage it may have caused otherwise, but try to remember.

Still in the shoes, of your younger, irreproachable, self. Do you remember the hundreds if not thousands of articles, blog posts, video tutorials, etc. All tailored to your specific topic and each one slightly different than the last. We all learn in different ways so, if one author didn't get through to you then perhaps the next one made it click!

That is really what this post is about, it is a thank you. To all of the developers, educators, and anyone else out there that has used their time to answer a question or post a tutorial.

We appreciate you!

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