DEV Community

Discussion on: You're doing it wrong culture

jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow

The main disconnect happens because there are fewer answerers than askers.

This is exacerbated by StackOverflow due to its obsession with attempting to police question policy. Early on, they realized that people weren’t doing research before asking questions, and because of that, google was starting to fill up with SO articles that were effectively “bad idea traps”.

Also, there’s not many points to be gained by engaging in a comment thread, so the likelihood that you’ll get a helpful response is pretty low.

As someone approaching “old”, I wonder how people get these harsh responses. In my experience in the heady heights of SO, I asked many questions and received many answers, but it was a vanishingly low percentage that were confrontational.

The few times I got “you don’t want to do that”, it turned out that they were right, and the real question was much earlier in the causality chain. Perhaps it was the quality of answerers in the Java and SQL tags?

I spent a brief time trying to answer questions, but you spend your time drowning in “do my homework” questions, things answerable by quoting the docs, and “I want to do (insanity)”. Everything else is a duplicate that the bots are racing to close so they can get points. (And even then, deletion is usually double checked.)

itsjoshbruce profile image
Josh Bruce

It's not the quantity, as I said, I think it's the quality. The harsh responses are just so harsh...the punishment does not match the transgression. To step away from SO, as this is about culture in general just using SO as a collection of it, consider Linus's outburst regarding Microsoft and Linux:

And his later apology:

In the example from the post, the assumption from the poster is that I was doing it wrong, as environments should be the same, instead of maybe trying to accomplish something I didn't articulate or in a way they had not considered. Which, unfortunately, does seem to be kind of normal.

Maybe we should start a finishing school for software developers (without the gender restrictions).