DEV Community

Discussion on: Do your job

jaymeedwards profile image
Jayme Edwards πŸƒπŸ’»

There are some great insights here, thanks for sharing.

The mindset you describe is similar to the one I advocate for with a caveat - how safe is it to make mistakes? This has only been my experience, but people who resist commitment have usually been mistreated because of a past mistake and so now they try to avoid responsibility.

Unless they get an apology sometimes it’s better to let these people move on to somewhere that doesn’t have the same emotional baggage. Unfortunately these folks will sometimes stay too long and get ousted when management realizes they are disengaged.


sandordargo profile image
Sandor Dargo

Sorry for the late reply, I'm traveling with my family and have little time.

You made a very important point about feelings safe even when you make mistakes. What's your way of helping such environments to form?

jaymeedwards profile image
Jayme Edwards πŸƒπŸ’»

Great question.

I’ve never had much success personally creating safety within an unsafe company at the leadership level.

I’ve found ways to create pockets of safety for people I’m leading myself though and at least demonstrate forgiving mistakes others make as a way to plant the seed.

I did a video about this last year where I shared my philosophy around mistakes and a few ideas about what we can do.

The post (with link to the video) is here:

If you find some time to watch/listen and have any feedback or questions, hit me up here or on YouTube.