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Importance of Communication Skills in Interview...

The secret to getting selected in Interview is...

  1. Verbal communication and vocabulary – Clear and effective speaking, with a good command of language.
  2. Body language – Non-verbal cues like posture, eye contact, and gestures that enhance communication.
  3. Prosody – The flow, rhythm, and intonation of your speech, helping to maintain fluency and engagement. In addition to all the above Key components for making a strong impression during an interview... You should also consider other factors such as confidence, subject matter knowledge, and problem-solving skills depending on the role... coming to communication skills


Communication is a complex and subtle process, essential for understanding others and sharing messages effectively. Professional communication involves aligning with workplace values, aiming for excellence, collaborating with others, practicing proper etiquette, making responsible decisions, and maintaining a positive attitude.

Types of Communication:

There are two main types of communication skills:

1. Verbal communication
2. Non-verbal communication

What are Communication Skills?

Communication Skills can simply be defined as ‘how well a person is understood by others and in turn, is able to understand them back.’ A more detailed definition might include that it is the accumulation of your skills in:-

  • How effectively you communicate with others.
  • How actively you are listening in a conversation.
  • How earnestly you are sharing and receiving critical feedback.
  • How confidently you are speaking while addressing a group of people

What is the importance of Communication Skills?

During an interview, the interviewer aims to assess your suitability for the company.

Whether you are someone who can fit in with the work environment, and become a good representative of the company.

They check if you can fit in with the work environment and act as a potential representative of the company.

Your way of communicating and presenting the answers during an interview can make or break the chances of selection.

You can be the most talented person amongst the candidates, but if you are not capable enough to showcase your skills to the interviewer, then you would probably not be hired.

In an interview, you need to express yourself clearly and communicate the information in a way that is easy to understand while using a limited vocabulary and action verbs.

Therefore, you need to communicate clearly and professionally as and when required.

How to Communicate in an Interview?

Following are the two key features that you need to keep in mind during an interview.

  1. Confidence:- Your body language is the first thing the interviewer will notice. Therefore make sure you are confident. If you answer the questions confidently, it can grab the interest of the interviewer, however, if you fiddle and stumble, they can lose interest too. People who can express their ideas and opinions confidently are sought after by recruiters. Try to make eye contact while speaking, keep a good posture, and always organize your thoughts before speaking.
  2. Volume and Clarity:- In an interview, all that ultimately matters is how you speak. If you speak incoherently or are not audible to the interviewer, it can have a negative impression on them Again, if you speak too loudly then you might come off as disrespectful or awkward. You can modulate your voice such that it is clear, audible, and comprehensible. It's an important aspect to communicate effectively so that you can be heard in every setting.

Tips for you

Before the interview, there are certain things you should prepare beforehand. If you follow these two steps, it will get a whole lot easier to communicate during the interview.

  1. Know about the company. You should know about the company. Be informed about the company’s statistics, the trends, and the culture of the company. Do your research so you have an insight about the company and would know what the interviewer might ask.
  2. Know about your profile It's very important that you know about the position for which you’ve applied. You should also know answers to the questions like 'why are you ideal for this position?’ or 'why do you want to work for this company?’ etc.

Special Types of Interviews

Questions to practice:-

  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. How do you prefer to build relationships with others?
  3. Describe a time when you faced conflict and how you addressed it.
  4. Do you work well with other people?
  5. Why should I hire you?
  6. Tell me about your proudest professional accomplishment.
  7. What would you do if you misunderstood a point on the job?
  8. How would you explain a complex idea/problem to a frustrated customer?
  9. How would you convey negative/bad news?
  10. How would you rate your communication skills?

NOTE: You can practice these questions before the interview. Most of the answers will require you to organize and present your thoughts.

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