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Javier Gongora
Javier Gongora

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Writing More Effective Front-End Tests with Jest

Front-end testing can be challenging as it often involves testing complex user interfaces and interactions. In this tutorial, we'll go over some tips for writing more effective front-end tests with Jest.

Test the component, not the implementation

One of the key principles of front-end testing is to test the component, not the implementation. This means that you should focus on testing the output and behaviour of the component, rather that the specific implementation details.

For example, consider the following component:

function MyButton(props) {
return <button onClick={props.oncClick}>{props.children}</button>
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To test this component effectively, you should focus on testing the output (e.g. the rendered HTML) and the behaviour (e.g. the onClick event) rather than the specific implementation details (e.g. the fact that it uses a button element).

Use the right test utilities

Jest provides a variety of test utilities that can make it easier to write effective front-end tests.

For example, the @testing-library/react library provides utility functions for rendering and interacting with React components in a test environment.

The @testing-library/jest-dom library provides additional utility functions for making assertions about the DOM, such as expect(element).toHaveTextContent(text) and expect(element).toBeDisabled().

Using the right test utilities can make it much easier to write tests that are both effective and easy to maintain.

Test asynchronous behaviour

Many front-end components have asynchronous behaviour, such as making network requests or updating the DOM after a delay. Testing this behaviour can be challenging, but Jest provides a variety of tools for handling asynchronous code in tests.

For example, you can use the async and await keywords to write asynchronous tests:

test('async test', async () => {
const result = await asyncFunc();
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You can also use the done callback to write asynchronous tests that don't use async and await:

test('async test', (done) => {
  asyncFunc().then((result) => {
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Testing asynchronous behaviour is essential for ensuring that your front-end components behave correctly in a real-world environment.

Write testable components

Finally, it's important to design your front-end components in a way that makes them easy to test. This might involve extracting logic into separate functions, using props for input and state for output, and avoiding side effects where possible.

By writing testable components, you'll be able to write more effective tests that are easier to maintain and less prone to breaking when the implementation changes.

Image by vectorjuice on Freepik

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