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Quora:- How Can I Include Css File Into My Handlebars(.hbs) In Node Express Js

Handlebars is a powerful templating engine that is used in Node Express to generate dynamic HTML pages. It is a popular choice for web developers because of its simplicity and ease of use. However, out of the box, Handlebars can produce rather plain HTML pages that lack style and visual appeal. To make Handlebars pages beautiful, you can use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to style the pages.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make Handlebars pages beautiful with CSS in Node Express:

Create a CSS file: The first step is to create a CSS file that will hold all the styles for your Handlebars pages. This file can be named anything you want, but it is typically named "style.css". You can create this file in a directory within your Node Express project.

Link the CSS file in your Handlebars page: To use the CSS styles in your Handlebars pages, you need to link the CSS file in the HTML head of your Handlebars pages. You can do this by using a Handlebars expression, as shown below:

Add styles to the CSS file: Once you have linked the CSS file in your Handlebars pages, you can start adding styles to it. You can use CSS to style the HTML elements on your Handlebars pages, such as the body, headings, paragraphs, links, etc.

Use Handlebars helpers to add classes: Handlebars helpers are functions that you can use in Handlebars templates to perform specific tasks. You can use Handlebars helpers to add classes to HTML elements, allowing you to style specific elements differently based on their content.

Serve the CSS file: Finally, you need to serve the CSS file in your Node Express application. You can do this by using the Express middleware, as shown below:

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

This code serves all the static files in the "public" directory in your Node Express application. You can place your CSS file in the "public" directory, and it will be served by your Node Express application.

Click to visit full article originally published on:-4/01/2023

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