DEV Community

Discussion on: Open Platforms and Gatekeeping

jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster

I think this is one form of gatekeeping and it's rather some kind of "household's right" (to protect your platform from being overtaken), which is legitimate IMO. The bad form of gatekeeping is IMO when people tend to call for being representative of a certain social group or social context and want to dictate, which rules apply to whom of the group/context.

This has much different consequences, because in your case you are indeed a representative, the platform owner, and people could take direct action against you. For the non-representative gatekeeper, people cannot take direct action, because this person is not a real representative, people can only either ask for help from the real representatives or the social group, which is much harder, because if the gatekeeper prevents people from contact to the group then there is no chance to ask the group for help.

storytellercz profile image
Jan Dvorak

I love the "household's right" term maybe with a bit more of a tweaking we can get a better term to describe what is the main point. "Gatekeeping" as a term is very much connected to the media and censorship and as such tends to have a negative connotation. This is more a kin to "household rules" or "entry rules".