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Jane M
Jane M

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A powerful tool to help with that babybrain postpartum

That brainfog after having a baby is the real deal. There is so much to do and just not enough hours in the day to stay on top of it all. I mostly struggled with staying on track with tasks on my to do lists as I got so easily distracted when your brain is thinking about 500 things at the same time. One powerful tool has been a game changer for me — Wise Dash. Let me explain:

Wise Dash is an extension for your browser. Every time you open your laptop and open a new tab your customised dashboard with your to do lists, calendar events, reminders and everything you could possibly want pops up to keep you reminded. Wise Dash has numerous app integrations so you can connect it to for example Google Tasks, Microsoft To do, Todoist, Google Calendar, Fitbit, Strava, Jira, Trello and ChatGPT. I have been using it for a while now and ticking of taks has never been this easy and satisfying.

Wise Dash Example Dashboard

Good luck sticking to those 2024 resolutions, I am sure Wise Dash can help you stay on track. Highly recommend!

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