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Ahmed Zeno
Ahmed Zeno

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How To Check if a Text Have Weird Characters

So how to know if ur text have strange characters or not ?

I've got a bug ticket from our QA says that the text style doesn't display as it should be when the language is Japanese.

In the beginning I tried to check the css and played around to find a css solution that supports all browsers and i thought it might be a font issue , then i realised that i need to do some changes on the code, so i decided i should check if the text has this weird cases(alphabets) or not.

so I wanted to do a quick a check if my text include Japanese characters and i ended up using this code.
It usages regular expressions

regex = /[\u3000-\u303F]|[\u3040-\u309F]|[\u30A0-\u30FF]|[\uFF00-\uFFEF]|[\u4E00-\u9FAF]|[\u2605-\u2606]|[\u2190-\u2195]|\u203B/g;
var input = "ビッグファームへようこそ!";

if(regex.test(input)) {
console.log("Japanese characters found")
else {
console.log("No Japanese characters");

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And it worked for me and I started to understand the issue ,but what if u want to check the other languages like Chinese, Deutsche, Russian …….etc

Ive tried to write another RegExpr and use the .test() with it to get the result

var format = /[ !@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};':"\|,.<>\/?]/; // ^ ^ document.write(format.test("My@string-with(some%text)") + "
"); document.write(format.test("My string with spaces") + "
"); document.write(format.test("MyStringContainingNoSpecialChars"));

And this one was also good,
The anchors (like ^ start of string/line, $ end of string/line and \b word boundaries) can restrict matches at specific places in a string. When using ^ the regex engine checks if the next subpattern appears right at the start of the string (or line if /m modifier is declared in the regex).

Same case with $: the preceding subpattern should match right at the end of the string.

but it's also include the spaces and counted as strange character so what to do:-

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By removing the anchors, and the quantifier *. The * quantifier that would match even an empty string, thus we must remove it in order to actually check for the presence of at least 1 special character (actually, without any quantifiers we check for exactly one occurrence, same as if we were using {1} limiting quantifier).

After some searching for such an issue found article that talking about this issue and it was like this :-

The important thing , you have to define what is the strange or special characters for you :-

All chars other than ASCII chars: /[^\x00-\x7F]/ (demo)
All chars other than printable ASCII chars: /[^ -~]/ (demo)
Any printable ASCII chars other than space, letters and digits: /[!-\/:-@[-`{-~]/ (demo)
Any Unicode punctuation proper chars, the \p{P} Unicode property class:
ECMAScript 2018: /\p{P}/u


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