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Perspective of a new developer

As a new developer in the field, I find platforms to be confusing mainly due to the vast array of options available. With so many choices, it can be challenging to understand which platform is best suited for a particular project or use case. The terminology used in the platforms can be intimidating, and it can be challenging to keep up with the constant updates and changes.

I believe in order to make web components and VanillaJS more approachable new developers should start with small projects and building up to more complex ones. Using visual aids and real-world examples can also make these standards more accessible and easier to understand.

On my first stab at development, I found Vue to be the easiest to work with. The framework is simple and it was easy to pick up and start building. The reactivity of Vue's components also made it straightforward to manipulate the UI.

I found the various command-line tools to be the most confusing but after some practice, I began to understand their purpose and how to use them effectively. On the other hand, I found version control tools like Git to be relatively straightforward.

As a new developer, I had to do a lot of additional reading to make sense of things. I also found it helpful to read other people's code to learn how they approached problems and to get inspiration for my own projects.

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