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Jackson Kasi
Jackson Kasi

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How to fix CROSS Error in AWS S3 ( React JS )

Hello devs, I need your help!

Now I working in one project for my company!

here I face one issue ( cross error from aws s3 )

below you can see the images.

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This application connects an image in AWS s3 to a user image using html-to-image npm.
This causes the common aws s3 cross error that occurs.
Do you have a solution for this?

MY Bucket policy

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MY Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)

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To fix the CORS error you are experiencing when using AWS S3 with React JS, you will need to configure your S3 bucket to allow the appropriate cross-origin requests. This can be done by adding a CORS configuration to your S3 bucket.

To add a CORS configuration to your S3 bucket, you will need to do the following:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the S3 service.

  2. Select the S3 bucket that you want to add a CORS configuration to.

  3. In the bucket's Properties tab, click on the "Permissions" section and then click on the "CORS Configuration" button.

  4. In the CORS Configuration editor, specify the allowed origins, methods, and other settings for the CORS configuration. For example, you could allow requests from any origin by adding the following to the "CORS Configuration" editor:

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  1. Click on the "Save" button to save your changes.

After adding the CORS configuration to your S3 bucket, you should be able to access the S3 objects from your React JS application without encountering the CORS error. It is important to note that the specific CORS configuration settings you need will depend on your specific requirements and the details of your application. You may need to adjust the settings in the CORS configuration editor to match your needs.

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