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Discussion on: My Blog Post Workflow: from Topic to Publication

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner πŸš€

Ya, I've got a long trello card of Blog Post ideas that are all just "I should write about how to do the thing I just figured out how to do."

Maybe someone in my same position will Google the same problem and come find my solution, or not.

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aurelkurtula profile image
aurel kurtula

The bonus of actually writing the post though is that often, the end product of the blog post is different to the solution you found!

For example, I started learning Electron. Read the docs, found few tutorials and I now have the end product. All I need is to copy paste the code in a blog post. However, whilst writing the text to tell the "audience" what the code does, I'm seeing refactoring opportunities all over the place. So for me it's all about placing a stamp of approval to my understanding. If I can blog about the code I found in stackoverflow say, then you can be sure by the time I pressed publish, that code is mine, in that I'm no longer the person that copy pasted the code with his fingers crossed. Because you now need to go and read the section of the docs which the stackoverflow user kindly linked to but you were to excited to bother reading :)