Everyone needs to establish a portfolio or personal website so that potential employers can get a better sense of your work. I believe everyone sho...
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Nice Portfolio website. I inspired and started creating own. I faced some issues while compile your website on my local system. Could you please help me to setup is on local?
Thanks 😊
The path should be
as I have configured the path intsconfig.json
Thanks, you have not used this according to latest documentation. - "Create an app folder and add a layout.js, page.js, and head.js files. These will be rendered when the user visits the root of your application."
Is it ok to not use the app folder and head, layout and page.js ?
I have also installed your GitHub repo on local, getting this error while npm run dev - "/var/folders/mf/91xfhk2d04qfys8rgnkpvmjm0000gn/T/dev-852e63b8.sh: line 1: next: command not found
nirmal@MacBook-Pro-16 j471n.in % "
Yes, it's ok to not use app folder (for now). As it's currently in beta that's the reason i am not using it. But when the stable build rolls out I'll definately gonna switch to app folder.
As you mentioned in your error. It looks like
is missing in your system you can install it by simply running the following command:I thinking this should fix your errors.
If you have any other errors or questions I suggest you to Create a new discussion at Github.
Thanks, It's working.
I am new to React, Next, So it's totally confused me to understand the code. I will start on the project from scratch. I will use each thing like React icons, Image, tailwind, Links, Animation etc. each thing one by one.
Please let me know who to start a project and build it from scratch to understand each thing.
That's lovely,
You can try everything one by one at your pace.
I think you mean how to start, right? Start the project and install everything and follow this article (a lot of code has been changed but most of the concept are same). And if you have any question just Create a new discussion at GitHub.
Awesome! Very detailed. This probably could have afforded being a series of several posts instead of one of one enormous post. I guess it goes to show that DEV.to has no post size limit, or it's an extremely high limit.
Yes, It could have been a series of articles. But I thought why bother, simply do an article and it turned out to be the biggest article for me.
It's a whole lot to take in, but it's still really cool to see how diligently and painstakingly you recorded the entire creation of this project. Very informative 👍
Thanks man 🙌
hi! checked your portfolio page, it looks great but a bit overwhelming, just like this article :)
I'm personally a minimalist person and always wonder, what is the motivation for people who spend so much time and put so much effort. It's clearly not financial (although I might be wrong in a long run) so what is it?
I take it you have spent quite some time on it, so on the bottom line - was it worth it? What did you gain for the time spent?
Please don't get me wrong, I'm truly curious. I don't have a portfolio web page, since never needed one. I also haven't written any articles (for the same reason) I always wonder what am I missing? maybe I should start doing those things?
That was worth it to me. I have always wanted to make a portfolio. But when I learned React, I thought it was the right time to build my portfolio. I put my portfolio together using React. But then later I get into Next. js After that, I dropped the portfolio idea using React and went with Next.js and it turned out to be good.
Ultimately, It makes you polish your skills to create something new. It also inspires others too. Yes, it hasn't backed me financially yet but it might in the future who knows? I just feel happy when I open my portfolio and this is all we want to be happy right?
I can have a take on this one: some people just like to write everything down (step-by-step) when they build something, also, knowing their "tutorial" will be published somewhere, they will often try to explain what they are doing (their thought process) as better as they can, and in doing so, they also learn better their goal and their resolutions towards the goal.
So all in all, it just helps to better understand the problem and the solution that one is providing.
You can check my Study Notes repository where I note everything when I learn something: github.com/radualexandrub/Study
Also, as some people likes to write down all the new stuff they're learning (just like in highschool/college), I like to write things down in markdown and push them to my repo and access these notes everywhere.
Really impressed by your work, as it so happens I am currently creating my own portfolio site and I went to sleep last night thinking it's about 80% done but looking at your work made me realize I could do better.
so thanks for giving me the inspiration.
P.S I checked out your other works and FYI your Nepal flag is crooked... 😜
I am really glad that it inspired you to do something.
The most beautiful portfolio I've ever seen.👍👍👍
But is this a typo on index page: "perusing" -> "pursuing"🤔
Thanks for the appreciation.
Peruse means to read or examine thoroughly.
Pursue means to follow something or continue along a path.
The first one, i.e. peruse, is totally out of context here. Hence, the correct sentence should be : "I am pursuing MBA."
Yeah but your site writes "perusing" (It's directly on the index page)
Thanks mate for pointing it out, I have fixed it now. Thanks again 🙌
You are welcome! Again your portfolio is amazing!
Sou novo na comunidade. O portfólio ficou muito massa. Gostei do tema e também a navegação ficou bastante agradável.
Translation for other devs:
Bem-vindo a esta comunidade companheiro. Fico feliz que tenha gostado do portfólio.
Obrigado Jatin. Tenho só adiando e vou seguir conselho de vocês e fazer o meu portfólio.
Isso é tão bom cara. você vai se sair muito bem amigo. Boa sorte 🤞
Nice post and Really longer !
I have developed one open source portfolio in nuxt-js with tailwind
Very nice portfolio mate 🔥
This is a really really long post. You must have a lot of patience. Congratulation.
Yes I have. You can check them by looking at the following post too
I made all countries' flags using HTML & CSS
Thank man 🙌🙌
I stumbled upon this website(proceed with caution might hurt someone). In the end I get the point though and it was funny for me atleast.
Yes, this could hurt someone in a number of ways. But that was funny anyway.
Thank you for sharing this!
It's my pleasure. :)
It's definitely one of the coolest portfolios I've seen here.