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Discussion on: Start Selling Online Using Appwrite and Stripe

j2l profile image
Philippe Manzano

Thank you for this tutorial!
You set users auth to anonymous but on the frontend you ask for discord account.
Could you please change it to anonymous?
I'd like to remove not necessary moving blocks :)

meldiron profile image
Matej Bačo

Happy to hear you enjoyed the read! 🥰
To remove Discord from the setup (and use anonymous login), all you need to do is to visit services/appwrite.ts and change function login() to:

async login(): Promise<void> {
  await sdk.account.createAnonymousSession();
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meldiron profile image
Matej Bačo

Article has been updated to include correct code example, and GitHub repository now shows "Login as Anonymous" button instead💖 Thanks for letting me know.

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j2l profile image
Philippe Manzano • Edited

Perfect Matej, it's working!
Any chance to adapt this to svelte?
With products coming from Appwrite collection?
Because actually, a hacker can simply inject the product price since it's not sent through the backend to Stripe checkout.
EDIT: I got Stripe CLI correctly sending webhook but webhook-proxy doesn't record it. I'll write an issue into it.