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Cover image for Lightweight Go-based Spa-to-http "beats" Nginx in SPA serving performance
Ivan Borshchov
Ivan Borshchov

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Lightweight Go-based Spa-to-http "beats" Nginx in SPA serving performance

Performance benchmark, how it was measured

Spa-to-http Nginx
Average time from container start to HTTP port availability (100 startups) ✅1.358s (10.3% faster) ❌1.514s
Requests-per-second on 0.5 KiB HTML file at localhost * ✅80497 (1.6% faster) ❌79214
Transfer speed on 0.5 KiB HTML file * ❌74.16 MiB/sec ✅75.09 MiB/sec (1.7% faster)
Requests-per-second on 5 KiB JS file at localhost * ✅66126 (5% faster) ❌62831
Transfer speed on 5 KiB HTML file * ✅301.32 MiB/sec (4.3% faster) ❌288.4

Other benefits:

Spa-to-http Nginx
Zero-configuration ✅No config files, SPA serving works out of the box with most optimal settings ❌Need to create a dedicated config file
Ability to config settings like host, port, compression using Environment variables or CLI ✅Yes ❌No, only text config file
Docker image size ✅13.2 MiB (v1.0.3) ❌142 MiB (v1.23.1)
Brotli compression out-of-the-box ✅Yes, just set env BROTLI=true ❌You need a dedicated module like ngx_brotli

Spa-to-http on GitHub

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