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Cover image for Create a black-out poetry maker with javascript
Ivy Chen
Ivy Chen

Posted on

Create a black-out poetry maker with javascript

In this tutorial, I'll walk you through how to build a black-out poetry maker with vanilla javascript! Black-out poetry is a kind of reductionist poetry-writing method where you cross out words in black until the remaining words form a poem. Blackout poetry is known to help writers organize their thoughts, regulate emotions, and restore creativity. Let's get started!

First in your HTML, let's create a textarea and some buttons.

<div class="container">
<textarea id='input' placeholder="Copy & paste a block of text you'd like to start with" ></textarea>
  <button id="btn">Display Text</button>
  <button id="download">Download PNG</button>
  <div id ="myDiv"></div>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In the CSS, let's do some styling.

span {
  margin-left: 3px;
  display: inline-block;
.container {
   display: inline-block;
textarea {
  width: 500px;
  height: 300px;
#myDiv {
  background-color: white;
  width: 500px;
  height: 100%;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Finally, in the JS file, we're going to make each word a span element and make it so that when you click on a span element, its background turns black.

// enter a block of text and select words to black out  
let btn = document.getElementById("btn");
let inputValue = document.getElementById("input").value;
btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
  let inputValue = document.getElementById("input").value;
    // loop thru each word and create a span
    inputValue.split(" ").forEach(word => { 
    const element = document.createElement("span");
    element.innerHTML = word;  
    element.onclick = () => = '#000';
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then we're going to use this html2canvas library to turn our div output into a png. First put this in your HTML.

<script src="" integrity="sha512-Ih/6Hivj+361PNhdTq03BrGbzCpetyokxTKSqohHw8GSsGD6jGzp4E5Wl8nayPWN3iUpZpfRNE/25q5BuaUd8Q==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then, put this in your JS file. Shoutout to stackoverflow for showing me how to do this!

// render div as png 
document.getElementById("download").addEventListener("click", function() {
    html2canvas(document.getElementById('myDiv')).then(function(canvas) {
    saveAs(canvas.toDataURL(), 'file-name.png');

function saveAs(uri, filename) {
  var link = document.createElement('a');
  if (typeof === 'string') {

        link.href = uri; = filename;



    } else {;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And yay, you're done! You should now be able to copy and paste a block of text to the textarea, start marking away, and render your finished poem in a png when the download button is clicked!


Here's the codepen, the github repo for better css formating, and the live version of the site.

Have fun making poetry!

Top comments (7)

kylesureline profile image
Kyle Scheuerlein

What a neat idea! I love the simple things that can be done using strictly HTML, CSS, and JS.

I did notice a bug though. Every time you click the “Display text” button it appends your text to the document. Either you should disable the button (until the textarea changes) or the button should always replace whatever is in “myDiv”.

ivavay profile image
Ivy Chen

Thanks! Ahh that's true, I didn't think about that! Thanks for letting me know!

shreyazz profile image
Shreyas Pahune • Edited

You should embed the code pen in the blog. That would be more easy for viewers.
Just write

{% codepen yourCodePenLink %}

ashishk1331 profile image
Ashish Khare😎

Noice Ma'am! How about random word blocker until satisfying results are obtained? I'll try this.

ashishk1331 profile image
Ashish Khare😎

After whole 2½ years later, I made the project. 😄

ivavay profile image
Ivy Chen

Nice!! The UI looks sleek!

zachsnoek profile image
Zach Snoek

Cool project—thanks for sharing!