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The Pursuit of Clean Code

I will explore the question of whether it is possible to have a clean code base. Let's start by looking at the challenges, from the easiest to the hardest.


I frequently encounter situations where feature seems like a simple and easy to implement, but it soon became complex due to numerous interacting components, dependencies, and the need to account for various edge cases, user inputs, and system configurations. This complexity makes it difficult to maintain a clean code base.

Changing requirements

During feature implementation I often find myself discussing about it with project stakeholders. And guess what happens next ?

They often evolve requirements and shit priorities and it is usual for them to request additional changes. Some call this an agile way of working. For me in some situations adapting to these changes while maintaining existing code base clean can be a delicate balancing act.

Time constraint

Developers primarily focus on solving problems programing, while project stakeholders handle budget management, customer satisfaction, checking deadlines and so on. Due to time limitations enforced by project stakeholders in order to make customer happy, I often had to make trade-off between just getting things done with getting things done right.

External factor

Code base is part or a broader ecosystem that includes libraries, frameworks, various platforms, Issue with these external factors, such as bugs or limitations, can impact the overall software quality, even if the developer has done everything "perfectly" within their own code.

Human factor

Maintaining a clean code base is a collective effort, but each individual has their own set of values and principles, so the real challenge is to achieve a shared understanding among team members regarding coding standards, best practices, and the overall code base architecture. Also errors and mistakes can occur to everyone. Even with careful planning, coding, code reviews, and testing, it is still possible to end up having code smell.

To make things worse challenges do not come alone but often in pairs or triples. There were many situations where I had to deal with changing requirements in complex code base where deadline was fast approaching.


Only 2 of 6 problems are code related, is this coincidence ?

Also 4 of 6 problems include other team members, is this coincidence ?

Think about it.

So, can we have a clean code base if only one or several team members practice it?

This suggests that achieving a clean code base requires a collaborative effort and a shared understanding among the entire team and company.

The solution for each challenge lies in the collective effort of the whole team and company. It is essential that every team member is aware of the consequences and drawbacks associated with unclean code and its impact on future.

Finally answer: Yes, achieving a clean codebase is indeed possible, but it requires the collective effort of the entire team.

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