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Iván Roldán Lusich
Iván Roldán Lusich

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Solving 1 random codewars challenge in Typescript per day - Day 0

Today's challenge (direct link):

You are given two arrays a1 and a2 of strings. Each string is composed with letters from a to z. Let x be any string in the first array and y be any string in the second array.

Find max(abs(length(x) − length(y)))
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If a1 and/or a2 are empty return -1 in each language except in Haskell (F#) where you will return Nothing (None).


a1 = ["hoqq", "bbllkw", "oox", "ejjuyyy", "plmiis", "xxxzgpsssa", "xxwwkktt", "znnnnfqknaz", "qqquuhii", "dvvvwz"]
a2 = ["cccooommaaqqoxii", "gggqaffhhh", "tttoowwwmmww"]
mxdiflg(a1, a2) --> 13
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My solution

This is the original solution I came up with:

export class G964 {

    public static mxdiflg = (a1:string[], a2:string[]) => {
        if(a1.length === 0 || a2.length === 0) return -1;

        let a1Long = -1, a1Short = 900, a2Long = -1,a2Short = 900;

        a1.forEach((str) => {
          const strLen = str.length;
          if(strLen > a1Long){
            a1Long = strLen;

          if(strLen < a1Short){
            a1Short = strLen;

        a2.forEach((str) => {
            const strLen = str.length;
            if(strLen > a2Long){
              a2Long = strLen;

            if(strLen < a2Short){
              a2Short = strLen;

        const a1a2res = a1Long - a2Short;
        const a2a1res = a2Long - a1Short;

        if(a1a2res - a2a1res > a2a1res - a1a2res){
          return a1a2res
        } else {
          return a2a1res;

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As you can see, it's really verbose, but it's solving the problem. I'm going to refactor it to something better (I hope), and then I'll explain the code.


export class G964 {

    public static mxdiflg = (a1:string[], a2:string[]) => {
        if(a1.length === 0 || a2.length === 0) return -1;

        const a1Long = Math.max( => str.length));
        const a1Short = Math.min( => str.length));
        const a2Long = Math.max( => str.length));
        const a2Short = Math.min( => str.length));

        const a1a2res = a1Long - a2Short;
        const a2a1res = a2Long - a1Short;

        if(a1a2res - a2a1res > a2a1res - a1a2res){
          return a1a2res
        } else {
          return a2a1res;

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That's my refactored code, it's much concise and works just as well. I could try and make it even shorter, but I think that would take away readability and that's not something I'm a fan of.

All in all, the solution to this Kata wasn't that hard, I calculated the longest word in each array doing

const a1Long = Math.max( => str.length));
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which transforms the array of strings to an array containing the length of said strings, and then with Math.max() I take the maximum value of that array.

Pretty much the exact same process for calculating the minimum length, but this time using Math.min().

After that, I check which of the two maximum distances between the sets is bigger, and return it as a result.

And that is it! First day completed!.
I haven't done much on sites like codewars, but I really hope they get harder as time goes by, I love challenges!

See you tomorrow with another kata solved, Thanks for reading!.

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