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tyler garrett
tyler garrett

Posted on

hello world, where did it all come from and why are we here meow.

Hello world... Hello world? Hello WORLD it's my first post on Dev.To and I'm proud to say it has very little to do with code, however due to the fact that I will be sharing code that you will likely skip over because you're extremely skilled.. but for those who don't skip over it, this is an iconic, if not classic moment in tech.

Due to the fact that I felt a lot of humans will likely google "why do we say hello world" or some catch phrase that their professor throws at them, followed by hello world. If not that, then consider the amount of people who will make an app that types "hello world" into a search bar or into a parameter in a URL similar to request for HTML in the browser bar above. I wonder how many people will look at that link and think, let me auto populate that with hello world from a testing perspective. Then this person who's thinking, "i need to automate that, in this way" will see my blog, see me, add me on twitter, we become forever friends, and play video games on twitch like we are old mates from high school.

Should I call this hello world blog a blog, or should i call it manipulation of algorithms and robots to network and drive traffic to inevitably expand my digital footprint... lets get started world.

Hello world, let me tell you the truth, after trying to come up with a better way of saying hello to potentially anyone in the world, I can't find a better fit.

Furthermore "hello world" will be what I say when generating any new content that doesn't have an immediate listener.

I imagine sitting alone, trying to write this stuff 40 years ago, trying to get people excited about it, likely always being the only person who's understanding the importance and drinking the koolaid.

This description, roughly feels like a strange version of myself, dealing with the personal demons & mental struggles I face on a daily basis.

Then we think "ah yes... hello world, brilliant."

However this story, this make believe nonsense I just rambled out of my finger tips, was this the real story, or just a good thought in a slap of the keyboard...

Continues slapping keyboard

Likely, there's more. That's why you're here right meow.
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You're here meow to do what I'm doing, maximize our understanding of "hello world." And offer my insights as well as verbatim of what I've researched.

Have you ever asked yourself, "yeah but why are we saying hello world?"

It always starts in the dark room... moist from humidity & we all know that's sweat...

Yes, it's some nerdy persons room, and they giggle.

"Hello world." Then they submitted it and here we go.
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If you haven't done the google search and landed on the wiki or cared enough to dig deeper, you may not be entirely sure on what's happening in this hello world, world. However why go anywhere...

Or maybe you have been down this adventure rabbit hole.

Maybe this is round 3,...
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....and then you thought, yeah but I think I could also click on this dudes "hello world blog," what could go wrong.

Hello world! The chant of the typical first blog post, or at least for me that's how it's going to go down. Why would I not do what I've seen across most of the remedial learning processes in tech. I, mr t dog, also loves to use that HELLO WORLD judo when I design highly enriching and finger licking good analytics training.

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So hello world, from wiki's perspective, has a lot of start dates and a little bit of debate. However, if you're learning from me, I have a good idea that maybe. Just maybe... Hello world has been around longer than you have lived. If I'm wrong, and you're learning about it today, you better leave a comment below...

Really, lets do the real talks... because deep deep down...

You know how wiki be (yes ill copy paste from wiki), they will first start with something that is likely and arguably accurate, then other people will add more content because wiki is publicly editable, unlike my blog post... IM IN CONTROLLLLLSSSS

Where were we? Wiki, you have the floors.
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While small test programs have existed since the development of programmable computers, the tradition of using the phrase "Hello, World!" as a test message was influenced by an example program in the seminal 1978 book The C Programming Language. The example program in that book prints "hello, world", and was inherited from a 1974 Bell Laboratories internal memorandum by Brian Kernighan, Programming in C: A Tutorial:

main( ) {
printf("hello, world\n");

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In the above example, which is also in this picture above, the main( ) function defines where the program should start executing. The function body consists of a single statement, a call to the printf function, which stands for "print formatted". This function will cause the program to output whatever is passed to it as the parameter, in this case the string hello, world, followed by a newline character.

The C language version was preceded by Kernighan's own 1972 A Tutorial Introduction to the Language B, where the first known version of the program is found in an example used to illustrate external variables:

main( ) {
extern a, b, c;
putchar(a); putchar(b); putchar(c); putchar('!*n');

a 'hell';
b 'o, w';
c 'orld';

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The program also prints hello, world! on the terminal, including a newline character. The phrase is divided into multiple variables because in B, a character constant is limited to four ASCII characters.

The previous example in the tutorial printed hi! on the terminal, and the phrase hello, world! was introduced as a slightly longer greeting that required several character constants for its expression.

The Jargon File claims that "Hello, World!" originated instead with BCPL (1967). This claim is supposedly supported by the archived notes of the inventors of BCPL, Brian Kernighan at Princeton and Martin Richards at Cambridge. The phrase predated by over a decade its usage in computing; as early as the 1950s, it was the catchphrase of radio disc jockey William B. Williams.

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IKR, radio? WHAAAAT... Ah yes, people are inspired by others, think of why you're into tech, for me it's video games... What exactly got you into tech, why are you even on looking at this content, what got you interested in research hello world? Consider the heritage of these things, similar the the literal heritage of the words "hello world."

Which before today, would have never looked it up, but as I gain new grays and learn of no elixir to growing younger, I decided I need to understand the true depth of said "hello world" rabbit hole...

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In 1954, the originator of the Make Believe Ballroom program in New York, Martin Block, left WNEW for a new job at ABC Radio. Jerry Marshall took over the show for three years, after which Williams was tapped to host the program. He marked the broadcast as his own, using the distinctive sign-on, "Hello, world", and occasionally identifying himself as "Guilliermo B. Guilliermos" or "Wolfgang B. Wolfgang," although to listeners and friends he was known simply as "Willie B." He combined intimate knowledge of music with his personal anecdotes to create a smooth style that captivated listeners. By 1965 Billboard reported Williams was earning $105,000 a year, tops for the station at that time but slightly less than the other famous Williams, Ted, earned at his baseball peak ($125,000).

Now, we finally understand where this all came from.

I can finally rest easy because now I know a great deal about hello world and the potential origins of said world.

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If you found this blog beneficial or enjoy my writing style, give me a shout on whatever social platform you dig the most.

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BELOW, please comment & tell me about why you decided this path of computers. Why are you looking up "hello world?" I'm genuinely interested & would enjoy networking w/ you. I will be sure to respond asap.

Tyler Garrett
A Tableau Consulting Nerd

(this blog goes to my wife & son, who rock, and completely supports me while i do strange things such as blog about hello world on

Good bye world.

Top comments (4)

silasreinagel profile image
Silas Reinagel

To many more iconic moments!

itylergarrett profile image
tyler garrett

Not as rad as you ;)

towernter profile image
Tawanda Nyahuye • Edited

Hello world

itylergarrett profile image
tyler garrett

What's up Tawanda! Nice to see you over on mate.