DEV Community

Discussion on: CSS Media queries: grouped with rule-sets or grouped at the bottom?

itsvitoracacio profile image
Vitor Acacio

Hey, Steve! I was googling a solution to exactly that. Came across your answer, didn't know what PostCSS was, spent half a day learning it, implemented it on my project, got the plugin you mentioned and was able to solve that. Just wanted you to know that your reply is still helping people 3 years later :)

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich • Edited

Glad this comment helped you!

I’ve been over in CSS-in-JS land for the last two years and still come back to PostCSS for personal projects or if I had to start a design system from scratch, I’d probably implement it with PostCSS. Still the most versatile solution IMHO, especially with all the features landing in CSS spec these days.