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Writing Unit Tests in Javascript Using JEST

Jest is a JavaScript testing framework that is focused on simplicity. It allows you to write tests with an accessible, familiar, and feature-rich API that gives you test results quickly.

Image description

  • It helps to write a fast and safe test case, which runs parallel.
  • it can generate code coverage by adding the flag --coverage
  • it allows easy mocking of functions and APIs.

Installing πŸ”Œ JEST

Using npm

npm install --save-dev jest

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Using yarn

yarn add --dev jest

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Writing Simple Test

create a node project using npm

npm init

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Folder Structure πŸ—‚

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let's put some sample functions to test in index.js

function sum(a, b) {
  console.log("adding values ", a, " ", b);
  return a + b;

function diff(a, b) {
  console.log("diff between values ", a, " ", b);
  return a - b;

function mul(a, b) {
  console.log("multiplying values ", a, " ", b);
  return a * b;

function div(a, b) {
  console.log("dividing values ", a, " ", b);
  return a / b;

function mod(a, b) {
  console.log("modulus values ", a, " ", b);
  return a % b;

module.exports = {
  sum: sum,
  diff: diff,
  mul: mul,
  div: div,
  mod: mod

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now, we need to install jest and do the configuration in the package.json file.

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Inside the scripts key, we define a jest test logic.

  "scripts": {
    "test": "jest"

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Time to write some test, to ensure correct working of our functions. Inside index.test.js import our file.

const cal = require('../index');

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writing test πŸ’» for the sum function

const cal = require('../index');

test('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', () => {
  expect(cal.sum(1, 2)).toBe(3);
  expect(cal.sum(1, 2)).not.toBe(4);
  expect(cal.sum(1, 2)).toBeGreaterThan(2);
  expect(cal.sum(1, 2)).toBeLessThan(4);
  expect(cal.sum(1, 2)).toBeCloseTo(3);
  // Testing datatype
  expect(typeof cal.sum(1, 2)).toBe("number");

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Running the test from terminal

npm run test

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we run our first test, everything works fine. but the value of a, b is hardcoded, we will use Math.floor(Math.random() * 11) function for generating a and b. For Repeating SetUp we will use the beforeEach hook, Which is used if we have some work we need to do repeatedly for many tests.

beforeEach(() => {
  a = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
  b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);

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Complete Testing Code

const cal = require('../index');

let a;
let b;

beforeEach(() => {
  a = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
  b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);

test(" testing sum " + a + " " + b + " function ", () => {
  expect(cal.sum(a, b)).toBe(a + b);
  expect(cal.sum(a, b)).not.toBe(a + b + 1);
  expect(cal.sum(a, b)).toBeGreaterThan(a + b - 1);
  expect(cal.sum(a, b)).toBeLessThan(a + b + 1);
  expect(cal.sum(a, b)).toBeCloseTo(a + b);
  // Testing datatype
  expect(typeof cal.sum(a, b)).toBe("number");

test(" testing diff " + a + " " + b + " function ", () => {
  expect(cal.diff(a, b)).toBe(a - b);
  expect(cal.diff(a, b)).not.toBe(a - b + 1);
  expect(cal.diff(a, b)).toBeGreaterThan(a - b - 1);
  expect(cal.diff(a, b)).toBeLessThan(a - b + 1);
  expect(cal.diff(a, b)).toBeCloseTo(a - b);
  // Testing datatype
  expect(typeof cal.diff(a, b)).toBe("number");

test(" testing mul " + a + " " + b + " function ", () => {
  expect(cal.mul(a, b)).toBe(a * b);
  expect(cal.mul(a, b)).not.toBe(a * b + 1);
  expect(cal.mul(a, b)).toBeGreaterThan(a * b - 1);
  expect(cal.mul(a, b)).toBeLessThan(a * b + 1);
  expect(cal.mul(a, b)).toBeCloseTo(a * b);
  // Testing datatype
  expect(typeof cal.mul(a, b)).toBe("number");

test(" testing div " + a + " " + b + " function ", () => {
  expect(cal.div(a, b)).toBe(a / b);
  expect(cal.div(a, b)).not.toBe(a / b + 1);
  expect(cal.div(a, b)).toBeGreaterThan(a / b - 1);
  expect(cal.div(a, b)).toBeLessThan(a / b + 1);
  expect(cal.div(a, b)).toBeCloseTo(a / b);
  // Testing datatype
  expect(typeof cal.div(a, b)).toBe("number");

test(" testing mod " + a + " " + b + " function ", () => {
  expect(cal.mod(a, b)).toBe(a % b);
  expect(cal.mod(a, b)).not.toBe(a % b + 1);
  expect(cal.mod(a, b)).toBeGreaterThan(a % b - 1);
  expect(cal.mod(a, b)).toBeLessThan(a % b + 1);
  expect(cal.mod(a, b)).toBeCloseTo(a % b);
  // Testing datatype
  expect(typeof cal.mod(a, b)).toBe("number");

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Screenshot from 2022-06-07 11-03-35.png

Top comments (4)

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Good introduction really wish more developers would learn testing at the start so that its easier down the line.

itsvinayak profile image

Thanks ☺️

leandroandrade profile image
Leandro Andrade

Hi, congrats. Jest is a really good test framework but I'd like to suggest starting using Node Tap. Different Jest which changes global objects, Node Tap is simple and lightweight.

itsvinayak profile image

Thanks, sure will try node tap