Recommended VSCode Extensions
For Vue, Nuxt, HTML and CSS
- Vue Language Features (Volar): Recommended for Vue3 and Nuxt3
- Prettier - Code formatter Code formatter
- Stylelint CSS Linting
- Auto Close Tag Auto closing html tags
- Auto Rename Tag auto rename closing or opening tag
- axe Accessibility Linter: Give accessibility feedback right in the editor
For CSS framework of your choice
- UnoCSS: Atomic CSS engine intellisense
- Windi CSS Intellisense: Next generation utility-first CSS framework
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense: A utility-first CSS framework
For Typescript and Javascript
- ESLint Code Linting
Other helpful ones
- Import Cost: helps optimizing import to reduce the build size by making it more tree-shakable code
- Code Spell Checker: helps to avoid spelling mistakes
Top comments (1)
Hi! ππ»
Those extensions are not Nuxt specific so far, but we'll probably soon get some Nuxt devtools hehe! π