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Kunal Agrawal
Kunal Agrawal

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Developing Code Quality With Git.

In this article we will see about version control system like git. It's always difficult to write clean, readable and maintainable code.

Clean and Maintainable is necessary to collaborate with other developers. Whether you are working on a project, open source or your own multi million 💵 project 😁.

Creating a lot of branches

So if you're working in a project with a remote repository and a lots of folks working in it.

Always try to create a branch for any experiment, feature, or bug.
This will help you keep track down of things easily.

Squashing Commits

Always keep in mind to squash your commits, whether you're commiting on main branch. As it help to keep your main branch log clear and understandable.

Otherwise its meaningless to create separate branches for any experiment, feature or bug.

Writing Actions

This is not about version control, it's about automation.
If you're familiar with github actions. These are code that run on some virtual machine to perform some actions on your code.

These comes with triggers, like when there is a pull, push, merge or a issue in your repo. Also triggers can be periodic using cron.

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