DEV Community

Ashleigh Roberts
Ashleigh Roberts

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How is Covid-19 impacting the UK job market?

Should you still be looking?

It's come as yet another blow to the high street and airlines are struggling, but there are some postives:

1) Many companies are now interviewing remotely to minimize risk, which is making the overall hiring process faster, more convenient and cheaper for candiates.

2) Companies which have always been hesitant about remote working are now realising that flexibility doesn't come at the expense of productivity, something which increases access to opportunity to a great number of people and increase diversity

3) Infrastructure will also improve for people who already work remotely as it becomes "the new normal"

4) There's a reduction in meetings for the sake of meetings or "face time" - boosting productivity

5) As with any time of change, there will be less competition for the top jobs as many people hold off on making any moves

So overall, still a good time to look depending on industry.

If you'd like to have a chat about any of my latest roles below, get in touch

👉 0117 927 0195

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