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InnerHTML vs InnerText

When trying to set the property of elements in Javascript, there are several similar ways of doing it, in this article I will explain what innerHTML and innerText are all about and their differences. Let's get started!!!

What's InnerHTML ?
innerHTML is the property of an element that set or get the HTML markup contained within an element. It contains HTML tags like <li> ,<span>, spacing and formatting. Let's create a p element with some content as shown below


<p id="p"> This is an example of <strong>innerHTMl
</strong>text </p>


let element = document.getElementById("p").innerHTML;

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if we log the value to console we have

"This is an example of <strong>innerHTMl </strong> text"

Everything in between the p element is shown without formatting and spacing.

Setting the value of an element's innerHTML removes all of its descendants and replaces them with elements constructed by parsing the HTML given in the string.

element = "This has been changed"

Note: Whenever you add, append, delete or modify contents on a webpage using innerHTML, all contents are replaced, also all the DOM nodes inside that element are reparsed and recreated, thereby making the process slow.

The use of innerHTML also creates a potential security risk for your website. Malicious users can use cross-site scripting (XSS) to add malicious client-side scripts that steal private user information stored in session cookies.


The innerText property returns the rendered text content of an element that is visible in the browser. It doesn't return the content of <script> and <style> elements, It also neglects the spacing unlike innerHTML. innerText cannot access elements If elements are hidden by CSS properties like visibility and display.


<p id="p"> This is an example of <strong>innerText
</strong>text </p>


let element = document.getElementById("p").innerText;

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in the console, we have This is an example of innerText text in the log.

When you set the innerText property, all child nodes are removed and replaced by only one new text node. innerText is what you get when a user copies and pastes the content of an element. innerText is best used when you need to retrieve the content of an element in plain text.

Thanks for Reading.

Top comments (4)

_bkeren profile image

Your innerText JS snippet has an example about innerHTML, it should be about innerText; can you fix it?

isiakaabd profile image

Thanks for your observation. Its fixed now

dostonnabotov profile image

Great article! Didn't know that visibility: hidden can not be accessed by innerText. Is it the same scenario with innerHTML?

isiakaabd profile image

It shows the element's content in HTML markup, so the way you have written your code is shown regardless of the CSS. Visibility or display properties don't affect it