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MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV

What I built

We live in a hostel, and we need to split almost all our expenses on a daily basis. We started to realise that this lack of structure led to unpredictable spending that was hard to keep track of as a result of the infinite costs, we incurred each month and the inability to keep track of who was paying for what and when. So we came up with FinSPlit to make things easier to manage and save time.

How it work?

  • Create a Group for the weekend plan.
  • You paid for the anything. Keep a track of it.
  • How much has the group spent in total?
  • Find out how much you owe/are owed.
  • Looks like you have to pay multiple people. Is there a way to combine payments in the group? Settle up in the group

⚒️ Technologies

  • Node.js (Typescript)
  • React.js (Typescript)
  • MongoDB
  • AWS S3 Bucket

Category Submission:

About Real-time

App Link


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  • It was challenging for us to put up security measures to safeguard user information from unauthorized users, as well as CORS policies to let authorized users access to our API endpoints.
  • Using a json web token for authorization was a bit typical for us as we were trying out this method for the first time.
  • Working with complicated data structures in MongoDB was quite challenging, but the "mongoose" package made the work simple.
  • We found solutions to issues that actually exist in the world and affect us in our daily lives.
  • We learned how we can encrypt and validate users' personal data with the help of crypto package provided by Node.js

Link to Source Code


  • This was the first time our team ever dealt with Mongo technology, so we had to learn it from scratch. It was an awesome experience to work with such emerging technology, and there were many resources provided by and other creators that guided us through the integration process of the API.
  • We found solutions to issues that actually exist in the world and affect us in our daily lives.

How I built it

  • The technologies we used included the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack, as well as DeSo API, Auth0 for authentication
  • we store our user data in MongoDB and interact with it through a REST API running over an ngrok tunnel.

Additional Info

TeamMate - @girraj21

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