DEV Community

Isabella Liu
Isabella Liu

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Supports From the Community


I have suffered a lot over the past two weeks, and I even thought about dropping this amazing course several times. We were required to create a CLI tool to check dead links from a file. The most difficult part for me is to choose the language. I am sometimes indecisive, and I am not a professional for any programming language. I've heard people talk about how convenient Golang can be, so I finally decided to give it a try to learn it through using it directly. I made the right choice!

After I made my first release of "urlChecker", I have been excited and fulfilled so much for making something real myself! What makes me more grateful is the support I have received through several friends who are also trying to learn Golang. They provided professional suggestions and improvements to my code.


Andy Yang helped to improve my code by adding a feature of removing duplicate links. Here is the link for the details.
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Tony Vu helped to improve the behavior by adding timeout for HTTP client, click here to check the details.
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yarn publish helped to void else statement. Check here.


I have reviewed Andy Yang's and Tony Vu's codes. I helped to find some typo and a duplicate condition statement for Andy Yang. Details are here and here.
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I helped Tony to improve the structure of the for loop, click here for details.
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It is so great to contribute to and be supported by the community! I love open source!

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