DEV Community

Isaac Tonyloi
Isaac Tonyloi

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Security on the cloud vs security in the cloud AWS

Security on the cloud refers to the measures taken to secure data and systems that are stored or hosted on a cloud computing platform, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). These measures may include techniques like encryption, access controls, and network security to protect data and systems from unauthorized access or tampering.

Security in the cloud, on the other hand, refers to the use of cloud computing services to enhance the security of an organization's data and systems. This can involve using cloud-based security tools and services, such as cloud-based firewall, intrusion detection and prevention, and security information and event management (SIEM). It can also involve storing data and running applications in the cloud to take advantage of the security measures implemented by the cloud provider.

In both cases, the goal is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and systems. However, the focus is different: security on the cloud is about protecting data and systems that are hosted on the cloud, while security in the cloud is about using the cloud to enhance the security of an organization's data and systems.

AWS offers a range of security features and services to help organizations secure their data and systems on the cloud. These include data encryption, access controls, network security, and compliance with various security standards and regulations. AWS also offers a number of security tools and services that can be used to enhance the security of an organization's data and systems in the cloud.

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