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Gucci.koin 🔮
Gucci.koin 🔮

Posted on • Originally published at Medium on

Let’s Build a Dapp with Node.js and Koinos Pro [PART 2] Create a Wallet

In part 1 we created a Koinos Pro account and generated our API key. We also need a wallet to manage our assets on the blockchain.

There are a few wallets to choose from, but for this we will use Kondor (Browser Extension).

Find more wallet options at:

Kondor Wallet

Go ahead and download the Konder Wallet, and be sure to keep your Seed Phrase secure. Anyone with this has access to your wallet!

After you’ve set up your wallet, we need to get some tKoin to use on Testnet. This is a free resource we can get airdropped from Koinos Discord.

To do this, we’ll copy our public address located here:

Kondor Wallet Public Address

We don’t need to worry about switching the wallet to Testnet because it will be determined by the API endpoint we choose at We are only using Kondor to create a wallet.

Now we need to go to discord faucet channel and request tKoin. Copy the command below and follow the link provided.

!faucet [your public key here]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Go here:

Paste the command with your public address

You should see similar results to below.

testnet faucit

To ensure funds were deposited, you can switch to Testnet for verification in Kondor Wallet.

Kondor Testnet

Now you’re ready to start making transactions!

If you are having any difficulties, feel free to ask for help at..

Koinos Telegram Main Channel:

Koinos Discord General Chat:

In part 3 I will break down the basic elements of Koilib and how to prepare a transaction with Node.js. For now, I’ll leave you with a brief description and link to do your own research.


Koilib is fundamental when interacting with the Koinos Network and we will be following the example code at in part 3.

First time using Koinos? Go swap your tKoin at KoinDX Testnet app and experience a free-to-use experience!


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