DEV Community

Discussion on: Stop Fighting About JavaScript Frameworks

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Isaac Lyman

You're absolutely right. This is a hard one for me because I feel so much genuine
frustration about [unnamed framework], which I use at work. It's at least partially my fault, I guess. I learned front end back in 2010, when jQuery was at the top of its game, and got really familiar with ES5 and browser APIs. Now, with [unnamed framework], I feel like I have to re-learn everything because it puts so many layers of abstraction on top of the browser. It's painful to find myself wanting to do something that I know how to do, but I can't because there's a new/special way to do it in [unnamed framework]. Plus the documentation is incredibly unhelpful, and the framework isn't consistent with itself...and the syntax is abstruse...and everyone who uses it is an elitist...and I hate puppies...and the world is a dark and cold place...blah blah blah... /s

sighhhhhh I feel so old.