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Conner Ow
Conner Ow

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Three 💪 Solid 🪄 Minimalist ⚛️ Components

Using custom React components versus raw HTML while coding makes a huge difference in how fast you get things done. In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to build three simple, game-changing React components.

Copy Button 📄

A simple copy to clipboard button may sound simple, but you'd be surprised how much work you'd be saved if it was a React Component!

React copy to clipboard button

1. Create the component

I prefer to use a clean icon from Feather Icons. This is the basic structure of our component.

import { Copy } from 'react-feather'

export const CopyButton = () => {
  return <button>
    <Copy size={16}/>
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2. Props

Include content, an onClick handler, and an onError handler. Copying to clipboard via window.navigator returns a promise so we'll need to handle promise rejection errors accordingly.

import { Copy } from 'react-feather'

export const CopyButton = ({
}: {
  content: string;
  onClick?: () => void;
  onError?: (err: Error) => void;
}) => {
  return <button>
    <Copy size={16}/>
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3. Functionalize

Now we'll create a copy function, call the callbacks accordingly (no pun intended), and bind it to the button's onClick listener.

export const CopyButton = ({
}: {
  content: string;
  onClick?: () => void;
  onError?: (err: Error) => void;
}) => {
  const copy = () => {
      .catch(e => {
        if(onError) {
        } else {
  return <button onClick={copy}>
    <Copy size={16}/>
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Add some CSS, and you're all done ✨!

Auto-Resizing Textarea 🤖📝

Auto-resizing <textarea> elements are quite fancy and very helpful if a user has to type a long post or enter a lot of text.

Auto-resizing textarea

1. Create the component

Render the <textarea> element.

export const AutoTextarea = ({ ...props }) => {
  return (<textarea {...props} />)
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2. Create a value state

Attach a value state so we can have a controlled input

import { useState } from "react";

export const AutoTextarea = ({
}) => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState("");

  return (
      onChange={e => setValue(}
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3. Regex Magic

Use a regular expression to search for the \n (breakline) character and calculate rows based on that.

import { useState } from "react";

export const AutoTextarea = ({
}) => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState("");

  return (
      onChange={e => setValue(}
      rows={/\n/.test(value) ? Number(value.match(/\n/g)?.length) + 1 : 1}
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Your component should now be ready to roll!

Scroll Handler 🖱🪄

Controlling element styles based on their scroll position is a very satisfying and beautiful web design trend. A good example of a site that uses something similar is

Scroll handler

1. Create the Component

The wrapper for this component will be a <div> element.

export const ScrollHandler = () => {
  return <div></div>
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2. Props + hooks

The children prop passed into this component will be a function with scrollTop and percentage as parameters.

import { ReactNode, useEffect, useState, useRef } from "react";

export const ScrollHandler = ({
}: {
  children: (scroll: number, percentage: number) => ReactNode;
}) => {
  const [scroll, setScroll] = useState(0);
  const scrollRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);

  return <div {...props} ref={scrollRef}>
    {children(scroll, (window.innerHeight - scroll)/window.innerHeight)}
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3. Functionalize

Let's attach a useEffect hook and a scroll listener to the component.

import { ReactNode, useEffect, useState, useRef } from "react";

export const ScrollHandler = ({
}: {
  children: (scroll: number, percentage: number) => ReactNode;
}) => {
  const [scroll, setScroll] = useState(0);
  const scrollRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    if(scrollRef.current) {
      window.addEventListener("scroll", (e) => {
        const clientRect = scrollRef.current?.getBoundingClientRect();
        setScroll(clientRect?.top || 0);
  }, [scrollRef]);

  return <div {...props} ref={scrollRef}>
    {children(scroll, (window.innerHeight - scroll)/window.innerHeight)}
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4. Usage

Using this component may be a little confusing if you've never tried using the React children prop as a function before.

An example of usage is as follows:

  {(scrollTop, percentage) => <div>
    Position: {scrollTop} pixels. Percent to the top of the 
    viewport: {Math.floor(percentage * 100)}%
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As the event listener fires off, scrollTop (first parameter) is assigned the value of the absolute top of the div element. percentage (second param) is how far the component is to the top of the page.

And that's it! Thanks for reading!

Live demo:
Source Code:

If you've enjoyed this, don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Replit

Thanks for reading! Catch y'all next time!

Oldest comments (9)

techliondev profile image

It Was Nice To See the Scroll Handler 🖱🪄

ironcladdev profile image
Conner Ow

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

coeneivan profile image
Ivan Coene

Nice ideas!
Thanks for sharing!

ironcladdev profile image
Conner Ow

Thank you!

And you're welcome :)

fschatbot profile image

The textbox idea doesn't work if the person writes a lot on the first line. If their is an overflow of characters in a singular line it wraps it but the textbox doesn't expand.

ironcladdev profile image
Conner Ow

Ah that makes sense. If I manage to figure it out, I might make a new post on that.

fschatbot profile image

Oh, don't worry the solution is extremely simple. Take a look at this guide:

Small Change: Set the overflow to hidden in the textarea's styling to remove the scrollbar that some might get.

iankduffy profile image
Ian Duffy

Nice, some of these could also work as hooks, seperating the logic from the UI.

Recently refactored some search logic where it was repeated for different UI / places on the page to a useSearch hook.

codeofrelevancy profile image
Code of Relevancy

Great article. The use of symbols like 💪 and ⚛️ also adds a fun touch to the article..