DEV Community

Discussion on: What's your personal productivity software stack?

iranjith4 profile image
Ranjithkumar Matheswaran

I'm a great fan of using multiple productivity tools. After evaluating a lot of tools, here is the current set of tools that works great for me.

I sync most of my documents with Google Drive and all my code repositories are in Github.

For task management, my company uses Jira and so adhering with it for my work tasks. I personally use Asana for managing all my side projects and creative projects.

I use Oh my Zsh with iTerm as my Terminal.

All my notes go in iCloud Notes, which syncs seamlessly between all my devices. I browse using Safari (Recently switched and I feel its faster than other browsers. Also seamlessly syncs all tabs between all my devices)

Git GUI - Github Desktop, Github Mobile (via iOS Testflight)

I use Magnet as my window management tool which helps me to arrange the windows on the big screen I use (28 Inch 4K monitor)

IDEs - As an iOS developer I should be using Xcode the most. Other than Xcode, I use VS Code.

katafrakt profile image
Paweł Świątkowski

Thanks for mentioning Magnet. I didn't know it and since I'm forced to work on Mac now, this is something I might use while yearning for i3 ;)

robbyrussell profile image
Robby Russell 🐘🚂

Thanks for recommending @ohmyzsh!