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Ending my relationship with Mac OS

For many years Mac OS served me well, it had a good looking graphical user interface and had all of the beauties of a unix based operating system. But enough is enough. Here are the reasons why I decided to stop using it as my daily-driver for programming purposes.

1) Docker

Every MacOS user knows the struggle of running Docker on their machine. Requests that would take milliseconds take up seconds, just because it doesn't work well with the filesystem used by MacOS. It might be fine for smaller projects, but when working with frameworks that have configuration, caching and are IOPS intensive in general it becomes a nightmare. Let's say I refresh the page or make an API request to check my changes live approximately 20 times per hour. If the time it takes for the app to boot on Docker reaches about 5seconds, I spend about 100seconds (~1.67minutes) every hour waiting for the response to come back. It is about 15minutes per day. A total of 300 minutes (5 hours!) per month waiting for the application to return a response. You can calculate Yourself how much it costs money-wise by multiplying 5 * [hourlyRate].

And don't even get me started on how long it takes to run "npm","composer","maven" etc. Ridiculous!

2) Things that are supposed to work - don't

Last week I came to office and used my phone as a "hotspot" to connect to internet. While it's not so bad, I would've rather preferred to have a quicker and stable internet connection. But no, it's not how it works, does it.. While my iPhone was able to connect to the "enterprise" Wi-Fi without any trouble, my MacBook had no intention to do that. It kept redirecting me to the WiFi login page, but it couldn't actually display it. Only god knows why is that.

3) Price vs Performance

This one is very arguable, but I am starting to feel like I am overpaying for the kind of performance I am getting. And don't get me wrong - Apple has the best product build quality, in my opinion.

Now they are coming back with ARM based MacBooks - great stuff. Also, after the launch of ARM based products, my MacBook's value decreased by 60%, because a new ARM Mac performs better than my MacBook and costs almost 3 times less.

I still like Apple, but I don't see how their products can actually improve developers' life. It's become a fashion product even in the eyes of a true Apple fan, like I used to be just a couple days ago.

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