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Create game with MMORPG KIT-Part 1-Project preparation

In this part, I will prepare the project based on the kit's demo, by duplicates init scene which is the scene which has a game instance which will initializing game data when game starting, home scene which will be loaded after game instance initialized it's a scene for start game menu, character management, option and so on (Up to you) and then create new game database but still uses demo's in-game objects and UIs.

Folders preparation

Let's start from create folders
You can create folders in for an assets by right click in Project tab, then select menu Create -> Folder


I've create following folders:

  • Assets/Leveling
  • Assets/Leveling/GameData
  • Assets/Leveling/GameData/Items
  • Assets/Leveling/GameData/MonsterCharacters
  • Assets/Leveling/GameData/PlayerCharacters
  • Assets/Leveling/GameData/Maps
  • Assets/Leveling/Scenes
  • Assets/Leveling/Scenes/Maps


I've defined the project name to Leveling so I create Leveling folder which will have content for this project, project folder structure may changes later.

Game database, NPC database, Warp portal database and gameplay rule preparation

Then I will create new game database, NPC database, warp portal database and gameplay rule for this project by

  • Right click Assets/Leveling/GameData folder, then select menu Create -> Create GameDatabase -> Game Database (I've set it name to LevelingGameDb)
  • Right click Assets/Leveling/GameData folder, then select menu Create -> Create GameDatabase -> Npc Database (I've set it name to LevelingNpcDb)
  • Right click Assets/Leveling/GameData folder, then select menu Create -> Create GameDatabase -> Warp Portal Database (I've set it name to LevelingWarpPortalDb)
  • Right click Assets/Leveling/GameData folder, then select menu Create -> Create GameplayRule -> Default Gameplay Rule (I've set it name to LevelingGameplayRule)



Init scene and home scene preparation

After that I will duplicate scenes from the demo, so when I made changes to my project it won't affect the demo.

Open folder Assets/UnityMultiplayerARPG/Demo/Scenes/ select 00Init and 01Home then press CRTL + D keys to duplicate (For Mac users, may use CMD + D keys)


Then move it to Assets/Leveling/Scenes folder by drag it and drop it, and rename it (In this post, I will set name to 00_Leveling_Init and 01_Leveling_Home


After that open 00_Leveling_Init scene to set created databases , gameplay rule and duplicated home scene to game instance




Save the scene, then add duplicated scenes to Scenes In Build by open the dialog from menu File -> Build Settings...


Then drag duplicated scenes: 00_Leveling_Init and 01_Leveling_Home into Scenes In Build section


Now you can start game from 00_Leveling_Init scene so you have to open 00_Leveling_Init before press play. When press play it will load 01_Leveling_Home scene but still can't create character yet because it doesn't has any character to create yet.

In next part, I will tell you how to create new map and character.

Top comments (1)

mycloudaccount profile image
Morgan Johnson

thx! this has been very helpful.