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Discussion on: PHP isn't dead! Don't be afraid to use it and implement it in your projects...

insidewhy profile image
insidewhy • Edited

I disagree. How many languages do you use? Because I love programming I can't stand to see things be so badly designed. There are so many things in PHP that are so badly thought out they're almost offensive. I grow by learning a lot, leaving the bad behind and hanging on to the good. By constantly re-evaluating.

You won't grow if you get hung up on a small number of languages and don't learn to appreciate the good and become aware of the bad.

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jenueldev profile image
Jenuel Oras Ganawed

Thats the problem you dont appreciate the things that are made for anyone to use.. Ive used a lot of lanuage, and it all depends on how you structure your codes, and it all depends on where you use the language.

We all know they have their own strengths and weaknessess, but they are all great.

If you really love coding, appreciate them. I know your just speaking from you own opinion, we all have our own voice. This is my last reply, peace out 😁👍.

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insidewhy profile image

Not all languages are great, if they were then Fortran and COBOL would still be widely used. It's not "a problem" to find fault. Many crappy languages aren't used anymore because they either started off poorly designed or didn't evolve fast enough. PHP suffers from both those problems.

Rather than a problem it's an amazing thing because it causes our tools to evolve.

Just because you love coding doesn't mean you have to appreciate all languages. I think rather, if you can't criticise artwork you can't truly appreciate art.

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jenueldev profile image
Jenuel Oras Ganawed

Yeah I know, its ok to criticise them because they have their own different strengths and weaknessess, they have their own pros and cons,

and We all know that "If you cant criticise artwork you can't truly appreciate art".

For me they are not "crappy" or what ever you call it. But still I appreciate this languages. This people who made this spend time years and years creating this art pieces.

PS: PHP is very widely used, and is evolving. Its been 27 years now, and still php is getting updates and still being supported until now. please do a research. peace out 😁👍.

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insidewhy profile image

I know PHP is still evolving I said myself that it's evolving but not fast enough. And sure it's widely used but it's losing ground all the time. Fifteen years ago more than half the jobs I was sent from recruiters used PHP, now less than 10% do.

PHP is not fun, it's not powerful, it's not profitable and there's simply too many better options available for it to be worth wasting time on it.

Even if you like it, just let it die for the sake of your future employment options and your future possible salary.

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ozzythegiant profile image
Oziel Perez

Wow dude, I've worked with 9 languages and PHP is one of the better ones out there. Sure it's not the best, but it's gotten better to the point where it can go head to head with Java and even be used in other cases besides web development, like ML, AI, and maybe even game development now that it has JIT.

What does need to die is Wordpress. At this point, either it needs to convert to a framework so that it is aimed at developers first, or just stop using the plugin system altogether, as this is not the proper way to build software.

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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ozzythegiant profile image
Oziel Perez

I don't think it's your place to be telling anyone here what route they should take if you can't give a good use case as to when to use PHP. Besides, the fact that you're telling me that you can't think about references just shows me that you're not at a level where you can work comfortably with them. High performance languages like C, Go and even C# work with references on a regular basis and mastering them will only do good for you with building more efficient applications.

Your problem isn't with the language, it's with the ecosystem and the poor examples of code you have found in the wild. I used to say the same thing about Java, but I've come to realize that, although Java isn't very nice in its verbosity, it's still a pretty neat language, but the ecosystem of overengineered libraries and continuous use of XML configurations over using classes means that it needs to improve, but it's slowly coming out of there (annotations are no better for performance, but gotta start somewhere I guess).

PHP can surely be used for game development, theoretically, if it's at roughly the same performance level as Java now (granted, the JIT implemenations between both languages are a lot different). Sure, you obviously can't build a AAA game with it, that's a no-brainer but you can definitely build small indie games with it now, but before we can get there, PHP needs to continue improving its JIT compiler and the community should start creating game engines that we can leverage. Really, it's definitely possible; if people use Python for small games, surely PHP can meet that level too.

All I see here is an inflated ego and a sure sign that if you don't become open minded about how to bring out the best of the tools available, you won't keep progressing to a senior developer. Let this be a lesson to all those who read this thread. Humility and openness to using multiple tools will make you a well rounded developer. PHP is here to stay for a long time and it's in a stage where we will start seeing it in many interesting use cases.

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thescientist profile image

Fortran is still widely used within its niche, scientific computing. It is not so commonly used to the extent that High-Performance Computing is not so commonly used or needed in the world of computer programming.

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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ozzythegiant profile image
Oziel Perez

Yet you talk like a Junior. I'm just looking out for people who bash anything simply because they have a bad time with a tool. Either way, PHP is not going anywhere and it will continue to be a recommended language for web development so long as developers know basic app architecture and patterns for good code.

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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ozzythegiant profile image
Oziel Perez

Yet you keep coming back 😂