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How to setup next js app in cPanel?

Setting up a Next.js app in cPanel can be a bit unconventional, as cPanel is primarily designed for managing web hosting and server-related tasks rather than directly supporting Node.js applications like Next.js. However, you can still deploy a Next.js app on a cPanel-managed server by following these general steps:

  1. Prepare your Next.js app for deployment:

    • Make sure your Next.js app is fully developed and tested locally.
    • Ensure your app is ready for production by running next build to generate the optimized build of your application.
  2. Set up Node.js on your cPanel server:

    • Many web hosting providers offer support for Node.js applications. Check with your hosting provider to see if Node.js is supported and if you have access to manage it via cPanel.
    • If Node.js is not supported by default, you might need to consider other hosting options or upgrade your hosting plan.
  3. Upload your Next.js app files to the server:

    • Use cPanel's File Manager or an FTP client to upload your Next.js app files to your server. Ensure you include all necessary files, including the .next directory generated by next build.
  4. Install dependencies:

    • SSH into your server or use cPanel's terminal to navigate to your Next.js app directory.
    • Run npm install --production to install the dependencies required for your Next.js app. Ensure that Node.js is installed and available in your server environment.
  5. Configure routing and server setup:

    • Next.js apps require a server to serve the pages. You'll need to set up a Node.js server file (server.js) or use a process manager like PM2 to manage your Next.js app's server process. This may require SSH access to your server and the ability to run Node.js processes.
  6. Set up a custom domain (optional):

    • If you want your Next.js app to be accessible via a custom domain, you'll need to configure DNS settings through your domain registrar to point to your cPanel server.
  7. Start your Next.js app:

    • Once your dependencies are installed and your server is set up, you can start your Next.js app by running the appropriate command (npm start, node server.js, etc.). Ensure that your app is configured to run in production mode.
  8. Monitor your app:

    • Keep an eye on your Next.js app to ensure it's running smoothly on your cPanel-managed server. Check logs for any errors or issues that may arise.

It's worth noting that deploying a Node.js application like Next.js on a cPanel-managed server might have limitations compared to traditional Node.js hosting environments. You may encounter restrictions on server configurations, performance, and scalability. Consider these factors when deciding whether to deploy your Next.js app on a cPanel server or explore alternative hosting options that better suit your application's needs.

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