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Islam NEGM
Islam NEGM

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Quick Guide for Building Yocto Using WSL (Windows SubSystem for Linux)

Hello there,

Penny: Here's the question, why?
All the group: Because we can!

As said by the geeky characters in Big Bang Theory TV Show, to relate check this video.

Because We Can!

So, if you want to build Yocto like me on Windows using Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL), let's go on.

Make sure you have WSLv2

Please follow this guide from Microsoft to enable WSLv2.

Follow Yocto Quick Guide

Yocto provide a quick build guide that you can follow easily. Check it here.

Screenshot of build

Currently, I am running the build it will take some time, I will let you know once it is finished.

Building Yocto on WSLv2 - Ubuntu 20.04

I will keep you posted, bye ;)

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