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Md Yusuf
Md Yusuf

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Understanding Abstraction in Python with Real-Life Examples

In software development, abstraction is a key concept that allows developers to hide complex details and expose only the essential parts of a system. Python, as an object-oriented programming language, provides mechanisms for abstraction through abstract classes and interfaces. These concepts help to create more modular, reusable, and maintainable code.

In this article, we will explore how abstraction works in Python, using both abstract classes and interfaces, and provide real-life examples to solidify these concepts.

What is Abstraction?

Abstraction in programming refers to the concept of hiding unnecessary details and exposing only the relevant aspects of an object. This is similar to real-life situations where we only care about the essential behavior or properties of an object without needing to know the specifics of how things work.

For example, when you drive a car, you don’t need to understand how the engine works or how fuel combustion happens. You only need to know that pressing the gas pedal makes the car move and pressing the brake stops it. The intricate details of how the engine starts or how the brakes function are abstracted away from the driver.

Abstract Classes in Python

An abstract class in Python is a class that serves as a blueprint for other classes. It can have both abstract methods (methods without implementation) and concrete methods (methods with implementation). You cannot instantiate an abstract class directly, but you can subclass it and provide implementations for the abstract methods.

How Abstract Classes Work

Abstract classes allow you to define a common interface for all subclasses while sharing some concrete behavior. This helps in organizing code by establishing a framework that must be followed by any class that inherits from the abstract class.

Real-Life Example: Payment Processing System

Imagine you are building an e-commerce platform that accepts different payment methods such as credit cards, PayPal, and cryptocurrency. You could use an abstract class to define the common behavior for all payment methods while allowing specific implementations for each payment type.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class PaymentProcessor(ABC):
    def process_payment(self, amount):

class CreditCardProcessor(PaymentProcessor):
    def process_payment(self, amount):
        return f"Processing credit card payment of {amount}"

class PayPalProcessor(PaymentProcessor):
    def process_payment(self, amount):
        return f"Processing PayPal payment of {amount}"

class CryptoProcessor(PaymentProcessor):
    def process_payment(self, amount):
        return f"Processing cryptocurrency payment of {amount}"

# Example usage
credit_card = CreditCardProcessor()
paypal = PayPalProcessor()
crypto = CryptoProcessor()

print(credit_card.process_payment(100))  # Output: Processing credit card payment of 100
print(paypal.process_payment(150))       # Output: Processing PayPal payment of 150
print(crypto.process_payment(200))       # Output: Processing cryptocurrency payment of 200
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Here, the PaymentProcessor abstract class defines a method process_payment, which must be implemented by any subclass. Each subclass (CreditCardProcessor, PayPalProcessor, CryptoProcessor) provides its own implementation of the method based on the payment type.

Interfaces in Python

In Python, the concept of an interface is implemented using abstract classes as well. An interface is essentially a class that contains only abstract methods. It defines a contract that must be followed by any class that implements the interface.

Real-Life Example: Vehicle System

Imagine you are building a transportation system, and you want to ensure that every vehicle type can start and stop its engine. This is a perfect case for using an interface since all vehicles will have the same core functionality (start and stop), but the actual implementation may differ depending on whether it's a car, bike, or truck.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Vehicle(ABC):
    def start_engine(self):

    def stop_engine(self):

class Car(Vehicle):
    def start_engine(self):
        return "Car engine started."

    def stop_engine(self):
        return "Car engine stopped."

class Bike(Vehicle):
    def start_engine(self):
        return "Bike engine started."

    def stop_engine(self):
        return "Bike engine stopped."

# Example usage
car = Car()
bike = Bike()

print(car.start_engine())  # Output: Car engine started.
print(car.stop_engine())   # Output: Car engine stopped.
print(bike.start_engine())  # Output: Bike engine started.
print(bike.stop_engine())   # Output: Bike engine stopped.
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In this example, the Vehicle interface ensures that any class that implements it must provide a start_engine and stop_engine method. This provides a consistent interface across different vehicle types.

Differences Between Abstract Classes and Interfaces

While both abstract classes and interfaces enforce structure in code, they serve different purposes:

  • Abstract classes can have both abstract and concrete methods. This allows you to define shared behavior and enforce certain functionality for subclasses.
  • Interfaces (abstract classes with only abstract methods) define a strict contract that must be followed but don’t provide any shared implementation.

Real-Life Analogy

Consider an abstract class as a workplace training program that teaches both theoretical and practical skills. Everyone who joins the company must follow the training, but some tasks may already be common knowledge and shared, while others require personalized implementation.

An interface is more like a basic safety rule at work: "Everyone must wear a helmet." This rule is strict, and while each person may choose a different brand or color of helmet, the basic requirement (wearing a helmet) remains the same for all.


Abstraction, through the use of abstract classes and interfaces, is a powerful tool in Python for building clean, maintainable, and scalable applications. Abstract classes allow for shared behavior while enforcing the implementation of core functionality, while interfaces define a contract that all subclasses must follow.

By understanding and applying abstraction, you can create a strong, flexible framework for your code, ensuring that complex details are hidden, and only essential aspects are exposed—leading to easier-to-manage and more intuitive software systems.

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