DEV Community

Discussion on: I'm planning to ditch my MacBook and move away from laptop computing

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ImTheDeveloper • Edited

I run an Ubuntu desktop VPS which I just remote into using TeamViewer for my Dev work. I've gone through lots of changes in desktop, laptop, tablet and phones but always kept that remote environment the same.

I keep a copy of a link to TeamViewer portable on my phone so I can download the software on pretty much any device or use their browser viewer too.

All my code is on gitlab so if I do need to debug something in my local hardware I can always clone and test things out. All my vscode settings and plugins are also synchronised so it's been really quick to build and tear down.

I did look into vagrant boxes but since this was just for me and I didn't want to lose state between logging in and out plus installing on multiple devices to get up and running it made little sense to go that route.

It might not sound like the sexy setup people would want but it's perfect for my needs. I've been coding on my phone a few times now when I've had a light bulb moment on an issue or new feature, plus the consistency of the environment is perfect.