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What is Python Flask?

Learn Flask:

If you want to make web apps in Python, like a SaaS. You can. There are several frameworks to chose from like Tornado, web2py, Django and Flask. Flask is a module (framework) for Python. You can use this module to build your web apps.

You can link any web url to a Python function, and the output of that Python function is shown to you in the browser. You can output strings, but you can also output templates. Data can be added to a template, and show in a nice format. Flask uses the Jinja2 template engine.

Flask gives you a lot of freedom in terms of designing your app. You can just load the Flask module and add any other modules you want. Unike Django that forces you to use an ORM etc. Flask lets you add what you want, so you are free to add a database, orm (or not) etc.

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