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Import Maps- The Next evolution step for MicroFrontends

Import Maps is a relatively new browser feature that provides a way to control how modules are resolved and loaded in a web application. It enables developers to map a module identifier to a specific location, allowing them to load dependencies in a more organized and flexible manner. This feature is particularly useful for microfrontends, which are a popular architecture pattern in web development that involves breaking down a monolithic frontend application into smaller, independent components. In this article, we'll explore how Import Maps can be leveraged in Angular, a popular frontend framework, to further improve the development and maintenance of microfrontends.

Import Maps in Angular
Angular, like many other frontend frameworks, uses JavaScript modules to organize code into reusable components. With modules, you can import dependencies into your application and use them in your code. However, when building microfrontends, the module resolution mechanism can become more complicated, especially when trying to share common dependencies across multiple microfrontends.

Import Maps provide a solution to this problem by allowing developers to specify how module identifiers should be resolved and loaded in their applications. With Import Maps, developers can specify a mapping between a module identifier and a specific location where the module can be loaded from. This means that instead of hardcoding the module location in the application code, you can use an import map to configure it dynamically.

Setting up Import Maps in Angular
To use Import Maps in Angular, you first need to add the import maps polyfill to your application. The polyfill provides support for Import Maps in older browsers that do not support the feature natively. Next, you can create an import map file in your application and add the mappings you need. Here's an example import map:

  "imports": {
    "lodash": "/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js"
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In this example, we're mapping the lodash module identifier to the location of the lodash library in the node_modules directory.

Once you have created the import map, you can reference it in your application by adding the following code to your HTML file:

<script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "lodash": "/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js"
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With this setup, you can now use the lodash library in your Angular application by importing it using the module identifier lodash.

Benefits of Using Import Maps in Angular
The use of Import Maps in Angular provides several benefits, including:

Improved maintenance: By using Import Maps to map module identifiers to specific locations, you can make changes to the location of dependencies in your application without having to update the code that uses them. This makes it easier to maintain your microfrontends as they grow and change over time.

Better organization: Import Maps allow you to better organize your dependencies by mapping them to specific locations. This makes it easier to find and manage your dependencies, especially in large and complex applications.

Better performance: Import Maps provide a way to load dependencies in parallel, improving the overall performance of your application.

Improved compatibility: By using Import Maps, you can make sure that your dependencies are loaded correctly and consistently across different browsers and platforms, even if they have different module resolution mechanisms.

In conclusion, Import Maps are a powerful tool for improving the development and maintenance of microfrontends in Angular. By using Import Maps,

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