DEV Community

Discussion on: What helps you most to stay productive πŸ’ͺ throughout the day?

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Ilona Codes • Edited

Whether you wake up confused or refreshed and ready to go depends on in which sleep stage you wake up in (light, REM or deep).

  • If you wake up in REM, you’re going to be slightly confused.
  • If you wake up in deep, you’re going to be completely confused and feel very bad until the end of the day.
  • If you wake up in light, just before starting to fall in deep sleep, you’re going to feel refreshed, and ready to go.

When I need a nap like this I use an app that detects my body movements (using accelerometer) and wakes me up roughly in 15-20 minutes at the right moment when the sleep stage is the lightest. Here is one such app for iOS.