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Discussion on: PSQL Connect Issues

iilness2 profile image
andre aliaman

hahaha.. such strange error!

Hmmm.. if you running other command like rails db:create and rails db:migrate. is that running well too?

and can you copy your database.yml also to here? (just delete the password part or it's not possible, just confirm all the value is right)

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highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

I know!!!

rails db:migrate actually does it's job and I think rails db:create too. It's just the rails db:setup that messes up our brains.

Wait, so I need to include my user password on the database.yml file?

default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  # For details on connection pooling, see Rails configuration guide
  pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>

  <<: *default
  database: db_name

  # The specified database role being used to connect to postgres.
  # To create additional roles in postgres see `$ createuser --help`.
  # When left blank, postgres will use the default role. This is
  # the same name as the operating system user that initialized the database.
  #username: user_name

  # The password associated with the postgres role (username).

  # Connect on a TCP socket. Omitted by default since the client uses a
  # domain socket that doesn't need configuration. Windows does not have
  # domain sockets, so uncomment these lines.
  #host: localhost

  # The TCP port the server listens on. Defaults to 5432.
  # If your server runs on a different port number, change accordingly.
  #port: 5432

  # Schema search path. The server defaults to $user,public
  #schema_search_path: myapp,sharedapp,public

  # Minimum log levels, in increasing order:
  #   debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1,
  #   log, notice, warning, error, fatal, and panic
  # Defaults to warning.
  #min_messages: notice
Thread Thread
iilness2 profile image
andre aliaman • Edited

Check it here:

At those post, They give an example minimal database.yml that can be running for rail apps:

default: &default
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
# For details on connection pooling, see Rails configuration guide
pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>
username: sammy

<<: *default
database: appname_development

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highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

I haven't tried to fix the database.yml but I think this will fix it. Thanks Andre! Will let you know if the problem would still be persistent.