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Improve the Performance of Your React App with Virtualization

When building large-scale applications, one common challenge developers face is rendering massive lists of data efficiently. Rendering thousands of rows or components in a list can lead to sluggish performance and a poor user experience.

Virtualization is a powerful technique that can greatly improve the performance of your React application, especially when dealing with infinite scrolling, data-heavy tables, or large lists.

What is Virtualization?

Virtualization allows React to only render the items currently visible on the screen, rather than the entire list. This means that only a small subset of your data is rendered at any given time. By doing this, the app’s load time is reduced, and the UI becomes smoother because fewer elements are rendered in the DOM.

Instead of having, for example, 10,000 list items rendered at once, you only render the items within the viewport and a few above and below for smooth scrolling. When the user scrolls, the next set of items gets rendered on demand. This significantly boosts performance.

React Virtualization Libraries
There are two primary libraries that help implement virtualization in React apps:

React Virtualized:
A popular library that provides several components to efficiently render large lists and tables.
React Window: A newer, lightweight alternative to React Virtualized, designed specifically for virtualizing large lists with a smaller bundle size.
How Virtualization Works
Instead of rendering all elements at once, the virtualized list maintains a fixed number of visible elements and dynamically swaps them in and out based on the user’s scroll position. The list knows the height of each row and adjusts accordingly to ensure smooth scrolling behavior.

Code Example: Using react-window
We’ll focus on using react-window, which is more efficient and lightweight compared to react-virtualized.

Step-by-Step Example:

  1. Install react-window:
 npm install react-window
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  1. Implement Virtualized List with react-window:
import React from 'react';
import { FixedSizeList as List } from 'react-window';

const MyVirtualizedList = () => {
  const Row = ({ index, style }) => (
    <div style={style}>
      Row {index + 1}

  return (
      height={500}           // height of the list container
      itemCount={1000}        // total number of items in the list
      itemSize={35}           // fixed height of each row
      width={300}             // width of the list container

export default MyVirtualizedList;
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  1. Dynamic Heights with react-window:

If your list items have variable heights, react-window also offers a VariableSizeList component that can handle lists where the items have different heights.

import React from 'react';
import { VariableSizeList as List } from 'react-window';

const getItemSize = (index) => (index % 2 === 0 ? 50 : 75); // Define custom sizes

const MyDynamicList = () => {
  const Row = ({ index, style }) => (
    <div style={style}>
      Row {index + 1}

  return (
      itemSize={getItemSize}  // Function to determine row height

export default MyDynamicList;
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Key Optimization Tips

Use Fixed Heights: When possible, use fixed heights for smoother rendering. If items have varying heights, make sure the height calculation is efficient.

Windowing: By controlling how many items are rendered based on the scroll position, the DOM size is minimized, reducing the number of re-renders and improving performance.

Memoization: When rendering large lists, it’s helpful to use React.memo to prevent unnecessary re-renders of individual list items.

const Row = React.memo(({ index, style }) => {
  console.log('Rendering Row', index);
  return (
    <div style={style}>
      Row {index + 1}
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This will ensure that only the rows that are visible are re-rendered, which can drastically reduce the rendering workload.

Comparison of react-window vs react-virtualized

  1. Bundle Size: react-window is lighter than react-virtualized, making it the preferred choice for smaller projects or when bundle size is a concern.

  2. Features: While react-virtualized offers more features such as multi-column grids and infinite scrolling, react-window is more streamlined and easier to use for basic list virtualization.

Use Cases for Virtualization

  1. Infinite Scrolling: Virtualization helps load new data efficiently as the user scrolls down.

  2. Large Tables: When displaying huge tables of data, rendering only the visible rows significantly improves performance.

  3. Chat Applications: In a chat app where messages load as you scroll, virtualization can help maintain smooth performance.


Virtualization is a vital technique to improve the performance of React apps, especially when working with large datasets. Using libraries like react-window and react-virtualized, you can make your apps much more efficient by only rendering what’s necessary, reducing DOM size and improving user experience.

Give it a try in your next project and see how virtualization can help optimize performance!

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