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Ibrahim Raimi
Ibrahim Raimi

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10 GitHub Learning Repositories for Beginner Developers

It can be challenging for a beginner developer to know where to begin when learning to code. Fortunately, GitHub has a variety of learning repositories to aid in your initial learning.

We'll introduce 10 GitHub learning repositories for beginner developers in this article.

You will find knowledge about the general web, learning roadmaps, computer science principles, interview preparation guides, additional books and websites to use and so much more.

1. how-web-works

What happens behind the scenes when we type

⭐ GitHub stars 13k

2. developer-roadmaps

Community driven roadmaps, articles and resources for developers

⭐ GitHub stars 236K

3. Free-Software-Books

List of Free Learning Books and Resources for Developers

⭐ GitHub stars 92

4. ossu-computer-science

Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!

⭐ GitHub stars 137k

5. coding-interview-university

⭐ GitHub stars 253k

6. freecodecamp

A friendly community where everyone can learn to code for free.

⭐ GitHub stars 364k

7. project-based-learning

A list of programming tutorials in which aspiring software developers learn how to build an application from scratch.

⭐ GitHub stars 96k

8. javascript-algorithms

This repository contains JavaScript based examples of many popular algorithms and data structures.

⭐ GitHub stars 166k

9. system-design-primer

Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview.

⭐ GitHub stars 216k

10. front-end-interview-handbook

Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview.

⭐ GitHub stars 37k

In conclusion, GitHub is a great platform for inexperienced developers who want to brush up on their coding skills and acquire new ones. The ten repositories we've examined in this piece are just a portion of the extensive library of materials on GitHub. Everyone can find something on GitHub to learn, whether they want to study web development, computer science, or a specific programming language. Therefore, get investigating and have fun learning!

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