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Ibrahim Doba
Ibrahim Doba

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The Developer Mindset: How to Succeed as a Newbie in Tech

Hey dev community!

If you're just starting your journey as a developer, you're in good company. The tech world can feel intimidating at first, but it’s also one of the most rewarding and dynamic industries to be a part of. Whether you’re dabbling in web development, app building, or something else entirely, having the right mindset can make all the difference. So, let’s talk about how to succeed as a newbie in tech.

  1. Embrace the Learning Curve Tech moves fast, and it’s impossible to know everything. As a new developer, you're likely to encounter a steep learning curve—especially if you're teaching yourself. The key is to embrace it. Every error, every bug, every piece of feedback is an opportunity to grow.

When I first started, I remember spending hours trying to fix bugs that turned out to be a single misplaced semicolon. It was frustrating, but every little challenge helped me develop critical problem-solving skills.

Pro tip: Start small. Focus on one area at a time—whether it’s HTML, CSS, or JavaScript—before trying to piece it all together. This way, you won't feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of things you need to learn.

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Failure is a part of the process. Every seasoned developer has made their fair share of mistakes, hit dead-ends, and written buggy code that broke everything. And that’s okay!

The important thing is to learn from these mistakes. When you come across a problem, take a step back, breathe, and break it down. You’ll find that most issues are solvable with a bit of persistence and a fresh perspective.

3. Leverage the Community

One of the best things about being in tech is the strong sense of community. There are tons of forums, communities (like this one!), and platforms dedicated to helping developers at all levels. Whether you’re stuck on a piece of code, looking for feedback, or seeking inspiration, don’t hesitate to reach out.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found answers on Stack Overflow or learned new techniques from reading blog posts. And don’t forget: once you feel comfortable, give back by helping other newbies. Teaching others can reinforce what you already know.

4. Stay Curious and Keep Building

The most successful developers are always learning and experimenting. Even after you’ve landed your first gig or completed your first project, don’t stop there. Dive into side projects, explore new languages, and keep building.

One thing that has helped me is writing about my journey. I recently wrote an article on The Developer Mindset: How to Succeed as a Newbie in Tech, where I dive deeper into some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way. It’s helped me reflect on my progress and share my experiences with others. Feel free to check it out if you're curious!

  1. Trust the Process There’s no overnight success in tech. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Progress takes time, and it's easy to compare yourself to others and feel like you're falling behind. But remember that everyone’s journey is unique.

Stay patient, trust the process, and celebrate your small wins. Even completing a simple task that seemed impossible a week ago is a step forward.

Being a developer isn’t just about knowing how to code. It’s about developing the mindset to tackle challenges head-on, being open to learning, and persevering through obstacles. Whether you’re just starting out or deep into your coding career, this mindset is key to long-term success in tech.

For more tech insights, resources, and helpful articles, check out Quillstash where I and others share our thoughts on all things tech!

What’s your journey been like so far? I’d love to hear from other devs about the challenges and wins you’ve experienced as you’ve built your career. Let’s chat in the comments!

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