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Git hacks you should know about

Ankur Biswas on March 07, 2019

In this post, we're going discuss some very useful tricks on Git which literally can save your ass if you screwed up things on Git. Now, without an...
chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang

This is such a time saver...

Switching back and forth between two branches:

git checkout -
iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

That's going to be very useful for me. Thanks for sharing this one.

ganonbit profile image
Andrew Reese

- in general is wonderful. I sometimes forget it exists for git, cd, and others. It makes jumping around directories/branches so much faster.

kapral18 profile image
Karen Grigoryan

Hey, thanks for sharing.

Couple of notes:

git branch -m relaese release

is a bit confusing i'd suggest changing to:

Rename branch locally

git branch -m old_branch new_branch

Delete the old remote branch

git push origin :old_branch

Push the new branch, set local branch to track the new remote

git push --set-upstream origin new_branch
iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

Thanks for describing in detailed way 😁

tcelestino profile image
Tiago Celestino

I always forgot the command to push a delete branch on remote.

amcsi profile image
Attila Szeremi⚡ • Edited

For the latter, I like to do:

git push


joehobot profile image
Joe Hobot

be frugal

git add .

jess profile image
Jess Lee

@maestromac would freak out if he saw me doing this 😝

Thread Thread
maestromac profile image
Mac Siri

It hurts me even when I do it.

pierresassoulas profile image
Pierre Sassoulas

If you have untracked files git add . will add them, whereas git add -a will not.

joehobot profile image
Joe Hobot

I like to use from time to time, to see where am I fetching/pushing.
Made few times a error where I would copy some dir to another dir and .git would get overwritten :)

git remote -v
(⎈ |k8s-b99)➜  mydir git:(kubernetes) git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
randomnoun7 profile image
Bill Hurt

I also like to use this to see where all my branches are tracking from:

git branch -vv

It tells me which branches currently exist on my machine and which remotes and branches they are tracking. This is useful if you work with a team and you add their remotes to pull their branches down. It can get confusing to keep track of which branches are pointing where so you know where code is going to land when you run git push or where the changes are coming from if you do a git pull.

>git branch -vv
  master                                            d5e2de1 [puppet/master] Merge pull request #297 from clairecadman/sqlserver_doc_edits
  release                                           bddc857 [puppet/release: behind 2] Merge pull request #295 from dylanratcliffe/MODULES-8685-removing-instances-doesnt-work
* tickets/master/MODULES-8610-invoke-agent-job-task bddc857 [bill/tickets/master/MODULES-8610-invoke-agent-job-task] Merge pull request #295 from dylanratcliffe/MODULES-8685-removing-instances-doesnt-work
  tickets/release/MODULES-8721-release-prep-2.4.0   8454979 [bill/tickets/release/MODULES-8721-release-prep-2.4.0] Release Prep 2.4.0

The branch with the asterisk is the one I currently have checked out.

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

Thanks for sharing.

pavelkeyzik profile image
Pavel Keyzik

Wow... git reflog is the best part of this article. Thanks!

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas


detunized profile image
Dmitry Yakimenko

What is very important, that these commands rewrite history. And when you rewrite history, you actually create new commits and the old ones stay intact. So if you've pushed already, then after using any of these commands you won't be able to push without --force. And once something is shared it cannot be unshared. Be careful and know what these commands lead to.

I wouldn't call these hacks or tricks, though. Most of these is a regular workflow stuff.

capsule profile image
Thibaut Allender

But "hacks" sells more than "commands".

wizardrogue profile image
Joseph Angelo Barrozo • Edited

git commit --amend

Never knew that one! Thanks!

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas


gergelypolonkai profile image
Gergely Polonkai • Edited

git commit --amend will add anything in the staging area (or index; the thing files get to when using git add), and let you change the commit message. If you only want to change the commit message leaving the index alone, you can use git commit --amend --only.

When you want to remove a file from the latest commit, after using git reset --soft and co. you can use git commit -C ORIG_HEAD so you don't have to enter the same commit message.

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas


sivaraam profile image
Kaartic Sivaraam • Edited

An easier way to remove a file that has been added to the last commit by mistake:

git rm --cached <wrong_file>
git commit --amend

This doesn't delete the file, though. Dropping '--cached' would delete it.

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

Great 👍🏻

hdv profile image
Hussein Duvigneau

git bisect but that needs a whole article in itself. If you haven't heard of it, it's a way of quickly pinpointing at which point in history a commit was made, eg. you just noticed a bug, and want to find which code change caused it.

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

Wow, thanks for sharing 😁

ltdat287 profile image
dat le tien

Thanks. Very useful.

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

Glad you liked it 😁

juanvqz profile image
Juan Vasquez
git log --oneline --graph --decorate
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Did you use?

pierresassoulas profile image
Pierre Sassoulas • Edited

I use aliases for that :

git config --global alias.lga "log --graph --abbrev-commit --pretty=format:'%C(red)%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %C(green)(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --all"
git config --global alias.lg "log --graph --abbrev-commit --pretty=format:'%C(red)%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %C(green)(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

git lga show the whole tree, git lg show just your branch. Can't work without it, I need to know the state of the commit tree in shell very often.

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

I don't use it in a daily basis. But it's very useful.

vinagreti profile image
Bruno João

git commit --amend can be use to add new modifications to the previous commit.

You can edit a file and mark it to commit

    git add .

and then

    git commit --amend

to insert the modifications in the previous commit.

sivaraam profile image
Kaartic Sivaraam • Edited

There is a short hand for renaming the current branch which isn't mentioned:

git branch -m new_branch

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

Thanks for sharing 😁

hemanth profile image

For the rest: We have git-tips 🔥

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

Very useful list man. Thanks for sharing 😁

shameemreza profile image
Shameem Reza

Good share @i_ankurbiswas

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

Glad you liked it 😁

avatarkaleb profile image
Kaleb M

Renaming branches >>>

Thanks for the tips - def will save me some time in the future!!

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas


leob profile image

I knew git amend but git reflog that's a cool one ... and git checkout - is a really handy one

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas


jecsham profile image

Very useful

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

Glad you liked it 😁

kiknaio profile image
George Kiknadze

Extremely useful post, thanks Ankur 👍

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

Glad you liked it 😁

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

This is a great list. I have used amend for the last commit more times than I might be prepared to admit :)

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

Glad you liked it 😁

analogmemory profile image

Reflog saved me recently. Such a good one

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas


price84 profile image
James Price

"Hacks" is pretty inaccurate, more like "commands"

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

You got me 😄

iankurbiswas profile image
Ankur Biswas

Sure, DM me on Twitter

bacchusplateau profile image
Bret Williams

The non-intuitive nature of Git seems to be an opportunity for writing a full-featured GUI on top of the arcane command line wizardry required to do most anything other than a commit.